Hello to all of my friends!
I don't usually comment on reviews. I even stated at another topic on this listing that I believe each deserve their opinion and I accept every true review with love.
Now - when I say true, I mean a review that describe how YOU feel about the product. one review on this page is saying: "got just over 5 g which is what I ordered, made a ball out of approximately quarter of a gram put it into my hash pipe and nothing... decided not to smoke it ... made space cakes... no joke a very nice buzz that lasted 12 hours". this part of the review I can accept. indeed it's VERY peculiar to me that when he smoked he didn't feel nothing but eating it delivered 12(!!!) hours buzz. sounds odd to me, but who am I to tell a person what he felt or didn't felt. The part that I feel obligated to comment on is the follow: "...I do feel that the ratings on here are false or coloured by the fact that people are happy that they haven’t been robbed which obviously could be quite easy , this is my first review as I don’t want to give negative reviews, But I would say none of the hash or bud that I’ve had off here are 10 / 10 , In fact they make the local street urchins look like they are selling premo shit".
Now that part is so ignorant, infantile and just down damn insulting. it's an insult to you fellow biggaz, it's an (huge) insult to the hash I deliver, and finally it's even insulting to the writer of this review himself. I really have so many words to say on this judgment but I'll say it as short as possible and the least offensive I possibly can - who are you Mr. reviewer, that testify about yourself it's the first time you write a review here, to disrespect so many people in one sentence? people are "happy they didn't get robbed" ??? do you hear yourself? do you think people would buy here if they would think that there is a great chance they will get ripped off? (that's what they call a reputation wise guy, and littlebiggy has a great one!) what about the costumers that buy from a seller for the 2nd, 3rd, 10th time?? are they also give their feedbacks out of the grateful notion of not being robbed? every time? and on top of all, do you really think all people are such a cowards that it's only the relief of fear of losing money whats motivate their reviews? I think you should take a long hard look at your review mister. whatever you feel about my hash, which I assure you is of quality, it's you're right. but I think it was really out of your place to share your opinion about other biggaz reviews, as at to me, it seems you are the one who still has a thing or two to learn about cannabis, and mutual respect. ufff... I'm done.
sending great big love to everybody! even you mister rude reviewer... peace upon all!