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29 topics on {life extension}
by  24601
Any biggaz doing 16:8?
Been reading a lot and I'm tempted.
We are all over fasting 16:8 / OMAD (One Meal a Day) - 24 and 72 hour fasts, highly recommend it. There are so many facets to it, physically and emotionally better, clearer mind, feeling of connection and spirituality.

Couple of pointers that really helped us in the early stages:
1. You need to have a good relationship with food before you embark on any type of fasting
2. Think about the types of foods you regularly eat - heavy on carbs, processed foods, levels of protein and fats. Carbs tend to generate appetite and cause those hunger pains so its worth thinking about balancing more with proteins / fats so you can move your body into sources of energy from good fats / protein.
3. Do you eat breakfast or skip? Normally eat late dinners. Worth working out when is best to have the 16:8 period - tends to be easier to skip breakfast and have your eating window between 12-8pm
4. Making sure that the last meal you eat is as "nutritious" as possible. Meaning making sure its fully of good, healthy foods reach with good fats as these are the last to leave the digestive system and therefore provide satiety.
5. Make sure you keep busy for the first few days you do your fast as you will probably think about food more because you are restricting yourself (typical when you cant have something, its all you think about!). After a few days you will start to get into a rhythm with it.
5. Try not to fall into the temptation of over-eating or treating yourself to "naughty" foods because you have been so good in the day ;-)

Hope that helps friend, fasting is part of our lives now and not only have we seen weight loss but we have much more energy, we don't seem to get sick anymore and more importantly we have a better understanding of what foods work and don't serve us

Peace biggaz :-)
Good advice and very thorough, thanks 🙏
Hootie and the Blow Job
this bigga
Is it something similar to intermittent fasting? I heard a lot of positive opinions about it.
We thought you was referring to a 16:8 light schedule for your plants. 16hrs light, 8hrs darkness. . Until we read the comments 😂

Been there, done that
Totally into it. I tend to eat within an 8 hour window everyday and I have never been healthier (I'm 40 btw). Me and me mammy were talking about this for her digestion yesterday. She's even starting to have trouble with some veg so her digestion needs addressing.
I concur with the Psychonauts (hey guys! Love ya!), one needs to have a good mental and emotional relationship with food to get the best out of fasting. Personally, if I had three wishes one would be that we don't need to eat unless we want to for pleasure, I found the whole thing time consuming and would rather just do something else. I learning to appreciate each mouthful through conscious eating. Fasting seems to help with this for me.
I hope you find something that works for you. ❤️
Are you into fitness, nutrition etc mate? Not that it specifically had its benefits to the fitness industry but how I used it anyway. I'd highly recommend it as wirght loss technique and to improve general life health. I'd retype what psycho typed but he pretty much everything on the head
thanks buddy! glad you've seen results from it :-)
The wife and I have just started IF again. It's the only way I have been able to control my weight consistently in the last 14 years. I have tried all the fad diets and this is the only way I have managed to stick to a consistent weight.

I guess it's still about less calories in than our but just controlling it in an easier manor.

Im still over weight but I'm not massive which if I continued down the path I was going i would have ended up massive.
In some parts of India fasting it's referred has Ekadashi (2 x month)
It's align with moon phase and when our bodies are more open to this process.
It's a super powerful cleansing. It's also quite challenging
Very cool would be easier if you shared it with a community like that
Psyconauts explain it very well in top of this post .
If you have any specific questions feel free to DM.
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