I recently had the absolute pleasure to make my first buy from “buddies”, As a person who suffers from C-PTSD, I’m not in a position to be able to work, so when it comes to having to buy my “Medicine” I’m very restricted on my level of budget, so I noticed that a select few vendors on LB sold shake,trim and dust etc, but after using a couple of them in the past,with mixed results, I noticed “buddies” and the deals that they offered to people in my situation with my serious mental health issues and can’t find a prescribed medication from the “Big Pharmas”,and like everyone who buys on LB have found a medication that works works works!! So with my latest purchase from “buddies”, I was totally blown away by the service I received from these guys, those at buddies were very quick to mail my package and to my amazement, my package was delivered less than 24 hours after buddies posted it, this is pretty crazy to me as I live at the very north of the uk and for me to receive a package less than 24 after being posted,even Amazon can’t do that!!
Then there’s the quality of their product,probably the best trim I’ve ever had! Also for the price that is paid is exceptional, roughly around the £2.50 per gram,to me this is very rare especially when not buying bulk,when the price could be even less.
And the reason for such a fast delivery…… buddies don’t go to the post office to send our goods,no, they drive to their area sorting office to post our goods,again, I find this as a very big pointer to how a seller will have their customers needs at the basis of their business and not obsessed about money,and the people at buddies are one business on LB that have their customers as their number one priority, so Kudos to buddies and hopefully others will join you in getting the country to heal without having break the bank of the people that really appreciate the jobs you do and of course sellers are entitled to be paid fairly for what they give to their customers,but when it comes to buyers of these products, there is like a scale of how much a buyer can afford,i.e. people like me on a limited budget then people that work and receive a fair share pay for a fair share of work,then there’s the more well off who can afford to pay $160 for 3.5g, and in terms of difference, I would have paid nearly $1300 for my ounce, so there is a poverty level of buyers who at times can’t afford to buy even 1 gram, whereas the working class can afford to buy a pretty decent product, as the well off can afford that California top notch product, so my point is that more sellers should take notice of the few sellers there are like “Buddies” !!
These are my own opinions and would like to apologise to anyone who might take offence to anything I have said. Thank you for reading.