Ok i had a great smoke off these and left a review, 2 or 3 days later i got a message off them thanking me for my custom, i informed them that i will be getting a box for xmas..... now i made a post about the twax stix and i see a few people are waiting on stuff with no comms received, just went to there page now and noticed they still havnt opened my message from 9 days ago, i would advise messaging them first before you place orders as it seems very weird of them to just drop off like this. Dont want people placing irders and having to get money back through escrow especially over the xmas period, this being said i now need a supplier that can do me a good rate on 5 - 7 twax or zombie stix, selection of flavours if possible, message me if u do them and have a fast shipping option, anyone with a referral link bang it in here and ill use it if i choose the vendor you recommend, xmas is the time of giving after all, im looking at making a purchase next week sometime so you have until then to get ur suggestions in. All the best all and keep safe Biggas. (For duplicate recommendations i will choose the person who posted it first).