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reference code support
joined jan 2019
transaxe reference codes let you earn crypto whenever you share content on little biggy.
share reference code support and generate bitcoin with reference codes.
28 topics on reference code support
How does it work?
by  420ian
My first order with free money!
Just wanna shout out to transaxe for this, I'm looking at a nice ounce of pollen that was entirely paid for by sharing links to topics and items on LB. Cheers TX!
Congratulations. I am so happy for you.

In fact, being a father with a big gang of little mischiefs, having constant budget shortages, your message inspired me to try and generate some free money, purely for the purpose of ordering my medication without taking any money from the family budget.

So far, i have made 5USD kkk but i was busy only for a week or so.

My mantra is: patience, young padawan kkk
may the force be with you
Thank you!
British Bulldog
I still for the life of me cannot work out how this referral stuff works, but maybe that's just showing my age!

Cheers. BB
I'd advise gpu mining for free money.
Wouldn’t recommend this, you will actually lose money on electricity costs unless your in a country with extremely cheap electric. You can find calculators online relating to this.
just click share and your reference code is embedded into the link.
But where does it go?
you share the link all over the web, you know like spiderman
The money, where does the money goes
into your transaxe account, that's where you enter your bitcoin address. you know, like the fortress of solitude.

wait, wrong universe but you know what i mean, yes?
Love this
I can't either xD
basically mate you've got your own individual link when you share it an people make purchases though your link you get a small percentage of purchase, ive just looked at mine and 10 purchases have been made through mine!
That's awesome where did you post?
Pretty much across the board, fb, insta and reddit.
Ho wlong did it take you to gather that much coin?
About 2 months, it really accelerated in the last 2 weeks.
ee cum ins
Sounds like you landed a bigger bigga :)
oh wow that's awesome mate. btw how can you check the earnings? all i can see is my transaxe token that says ACTIVE in the end.
Visit Transaxe website, you can do this via Settings > Payment processor > > Log in > once logged in you will see your referrals on that screen.

If you've never accessed the Transaxe website before then you'll obviously need to register first. You'll then be able to link your account to Transaxe, and this is where you will see all of your successful referrals.
How did you get your referral money, mine just keeps on saying pending, I click where it says get your 1st payment but just sends me here.
reference code support
screen shot please
reference code support
thanks have you added a receiving btc address to your transaxe account?
Do you want to mention the token posted, tell people not to do this, and maybe get this deleted expeditiously due to being admin...?
Yes I have done that.
some sure bumps
Can I See What I Earn?
QR code URL sharing
Referral Token Bitcoin Streams Now Last ...Forever!
SEO strategies for reference codes?
by  brando
How can I stencil a large barcode onto a wall?
New Idea Thread
"buy with my link" tactics are a fail
reference code payments restored
by  Dayman
Just checking I have done this right
Are my accounts linked?
How often are payments sent out?
by  1313
best eu seller to recruit?
by  Colin575
Reference code to my bio
an instant qr code for your reference code
by  Dhokha
Reference Codes
As Web Content Creator How Should I Use This?
by  Leamo
Reference Code Fees and Wallet
by  PuRTxyyr
How do I add other sharing token to transaxe? Not receiving referrals
by  Colin32
How do you no if you earned any bitcoin with reference codes
any reference code ballers here?
As a Seller Established In A Existing Market How Should I use this?
by  Bourne
How it works!!!
Does It Matter Which Content I Share?
What About Privacy?
1 post by reference code support
QR code builder
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