Oh my God! 😵 thank you SO much Polly!
Well, definitely not tripping now, and still think the same :))) And here is a super, SUPER special thing for you, with 'Puff', in it :))) .... ( but not because I'm hoping you'll lay puffer fish eggs for me, haha, don't worry, but just because - girl, boy, fraggle or sandperson, I don't know, but you're super special :)))
I don't think I'm going anywhere anytime soon, haha. To quote you, Big Roo, ( big up ☺️ ), I read this on your manifesto thing -"I love this place, it feels like home" - Really resonated with me. Bit cringe-ely up close and personal, but I'm going to say it anyway - I had parents who couldn't accept that their child had learning difficulties, and moved me from school to school to school during primary /middle school. All this did was make me feel that I didn't fit in or belong anywhere, and as is often the case with stuff that happens during such formative years, these belief systems tend to become hardwired as the blueprint for how the rest of your years will pan out. I've Always struggled with feeling like the perpetual outsider, but not here :))) even on other forums I've been on, say, about my pets, I'd go on them for a few months, and as soon as someone was mean or critical I'd peg it. But on here I have actually been called ridiculous, fake, desperate, attention seeking and honestly I think most of those things are probably true, but when I've come on here, out of my tree tripping my face off and bang on about how much I love this place and my friends here, I totally mean it, and the 'fake', bit definitely isn't true :) And normally hearing stuff like that I'd be gone , lickety - split, but because I know so much that I have some seriously good, REAL friends here, it's not so hard to weather the horrible stuff :))) and I love it here, even though I'm very aware that this place is definitely not all sweetness and light, and let's face it, a place that you really do need to be super cautious in, I've made friends for the first time in a long time, and I love it so much. And thank you Polly for being a big part of why LB feels like a soft spot to land for me :))) °•♡•°🌷🌷🌷