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British Bulldog 2.0
joined sep 2023
100+ sales 0% disputed
See topics on my wall for update 24/08/2024

Cheers BB 😊👍🍻💚
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Bulldog 2.0. Any Questions or Comments...
British Bulldog 2.0
I'll Be Back 💚

Hi guys,

Just to let you know I'm still alive and kicking (well alive anyway!) 🤣

Unfortunately, after recently contracting Covid I also had a chest infection which meant I was hospitalised on and off for a few weeks. I was having difficulty breathing and my oxygen levels were so low I struggled to sleep, which was like torture. Also having absolutely insane dreams when I did sleep (due to not smoking weed) didn't help!

I've just dug the laptop I use for LB out of the shed just to give a quick update.

I will get round to answering all messages soon (sorry again and thanks for your patience), but for now my wife is insisting I get 100% better before over stretching myself, (plus I have to catch up with my "proper job" as she calls it). 🤣

For now I just wanted to let you know I'm feeling OK and so glad the last few weeks are now behind me.

Thanks so much for your concern guys, it means a lot. I'll be back fighting fit soon. 👍

All the best and much love. 💚

Cheers, BB 😊👍🍻
Holy shit BB that sounds just awful buddy, no weed, I can't imagine how you coped. 😆

Seriously though mate I hope the worst is behind you and you are feeling much better.

Take it easy BB
Glad to hear you’re on the mend BB 👌👍
Glad to hear you're not dead dude! You couldn't grow us more amazing smoke if you were. (Joking aside, really glad you're okay)
Hang in there mate, you'll be able to smoke again soon🥳
Glad to hear your on the mend BB mate and best stick with what the wife says unless you want readmitted for broken balls 😂👊🏻
Get well soon, take it easy BB and do as the wife says🤣.
Hope to see you back in the near future(#1) mate.
Glad to hear you are on the mend buddy!❤️

I’m just recovering from my second bout of Covid and it was even less fun than the first one! Hope you make a full recovery 🤞🏼
Get well soon BB, missed the crops but get yourself on the mend firstly...!
Wow good news mate I'm bit anxious person and like always expected worst good to know u are alive just small recommendation for u and actually all peapols If u can try to get asthma inhaler with budesonide I'm asthmatic and never have bad covid also me dad have covid about 3 moths ago and me inhaler really help him he struggle to breath and on top ow that have heart problems hun use one puff of me inhaler and his breathing improve an finally can sleep, I'm using" Symbicort"its combination of 2 drugs
Hi BB. I was getting worried about you, brother, but, like others, didn't want to intrude. Sounds awful but very glad to hear you're OK. I know what you mean about the dreams, they're one of the reasons (/excuses!) I use for not stopping smoking! Look after yourself and we'll speak when you're fully better, no rush at all. Best wishes 👍
All the best dude! Rest up ✌️
Hope you’re fully better soon BB
Good to hear your on the mend buddy.
Take care of yourself.
Sending peace and love mate. Switch to vaping for your weed until you’re off the oxygen matey, or they will take it. You’ll be surprised how they find out.

Hope you’re on the mend mate.
Glad you’re on the mend ma man.

Health is wealth and everything else can wait.
That doesn’t sound fun at all jeez 😅get better soon!
Hope your feeling better soon BB 💚
by  joash123
Hope BB's alright <3
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