This is a thought for you to consider. Bitcoins and Vacuum packed product sent by mail have made it virtually impossible for the Police to maintain survailiance on suspected dealers. The fact that product is mailed means no one meets. No one goes out. That is usually when people are arrested. The number of times you have heard preople tell their story about their brush with the law. They nearly always starts with I picked up my stash from my guy and I was stopped by the filth. The Police stop people in transit.
Part of the reason why they won’t legalize is the Police I feel. They like to smoke weed the same as anyone else. You can bet all the gear they impound does not go to court intact if you get me. Police don’t buy their weed. They shake people down in the street. They don’t always report people they caution with small amounts. Usually its ello,ello,ello whats all this going on ‘ere then, confiscate the weed, bend their knees and say don’t let me catch you again. Did you know the Police are numbered so they don’t get lost? I used to joke with an officer I knew during a row I had with a neighbour, have you been in the evidence locker again?
They can not bust online dealers unless they get an inside informant. I did hear of a Welsh Ecstacy dealer on the dark web. The Police got fingerprints from a photo of the guy holding pills in his hand. This is why all photos of hands with gear wear gloves on Little Biggy. Neighbours wont report a large number of people calling at a particular house in the street. They won’t be able to monitor and search those coming and going. So in effect it is the Government and Police that just tut and say you are not supposed to do that. You have millions of users in the UK that don’t have to go out as everything is delivered to your door.
This has also impacted the street dealers. There is practically no old school street dealers left. A mate of mine was on the earhole for gear the other day. He said they are charging ridiculous prices for lousy weights. He was saying there is a major drought. There is no drought its just people buy weed oinline. Unfortunately my mate is illiterate and would not be able to set it up and order on line. I gave him a couple of grams and told him I don’t want to be a dealer period. That’s the other good thing about on line weed it stops the Tax men like Stephen French robbing dealers.
Online weed has changed the game. Velvet undergrounds song Waiting for the man includes the line He’s never early,He’s always late, You wanna get high you have to wait, doesn’t apply anymore. Its more like the tune Mr.Postman. I joke with my Special delivery postman you didn’t join the post office to become a drug mule did you? Hermetically sealed vacuum packs have made it impossible for dogs to detect. Mail will only be stopped if the package bursts so what are the odds of that happening? Slim but it does happen. You read of the odd police seizuire now and then.
Dogs also can not smell it in edibles either. When I pass advice and knowledge on to the kids today locally I tell them never to travel with weed on you. If you are going to your mates they play mother and you smoke your mates gear. If he comes to you he smokes yours. This will be abused by greedy fuckers but it only happens to you once right? I also tell them to buy the legal headshop weed with no THC. Should you be unlucky enough to be stopped by police with dogs give them the headshop stash as the dogs can not tell the difference. They will test that and return it. If they ask why you say its for the CBD not THC. You have the real stash concealed elsewhere.
I got arrested once and had a big bag of CBD weed. This brother jaw dropped when he saw me leaving the station with a big bag of weed. I told him this is headshop weed. No THC in it all.
I want to pass this knowledge on to recreational users out there. Even if you are the only one who reads this it’s the exchange of ideas freely online that the establishment fears. This is what this amazing tech should be used for. My generation pioneered the use of high tech organizing raves. Its up to your generation to take this further.
It perplexes me. What on Earth makes people when they get high tech the first thing they do is film themselves masturbating? I got caught having a wank when I was a kid and I was ASHAMED. I didn’t stop doing it. Anyone who says they don’t wank is a liar :-)_s. People you never actually meet,as they were when they were born, baring all for the world wide web to see. I bet someone has been found out and their mates have printed out pictures and hung them in the Pub or at work. Then there are the trolls who spread disinformation and hate. This tech and what does the human race do with it ? Hate and masturbate that’s what. I digress……….
Beat hate by being Genuine. If you are genuine you keep on doing your thing. This is why you get hated if you are genuine and have a cause. The haters can not beat you. Hate is the easy path. Its easy to say I hate this. Try to think of a reason to like instead. Look for like minded people.
If you are new to LittleBiggy and are looking for a good seller I can highly recommend my goto guy on this site STRAINSBURYS. He’s genuine. You will get good and very occaisonally bad vintages but he will send you product that will get you stoned. You will get extras if you save Nectar points 😁. If you find a reliable supplier on Little Biggy stick with what you know but you can dabble as most sellers on LB are genuine.