Im not sorry for calling it like it is chief, but I get that you have to reply to my critique. And as Ive already told you, Ive tried many a hash in my 25 years of smoking and travelling. And hash is not done to be less potent than weak cannabis, of that I am sure. Also those good reviews you mention could well be from people who have no experience with hash, so they dont mean much to me as much as the experience Ive actually had with your hash. And of course I didnt want to order again even with compensation, Id probably get another "tasty" but not-potent hash, which is not what my money is for. I want to get fckeng high when I roll my shit up! I test new weed or hash in a way where I roll a joint, low on tobacco, to see how it hits, and roll another after few minutes to see how high it will get me, and if I need a third to get really high I can already tell the potency is not there, never mind what type of high it is. And it wouldnt be my first time to try stuff that looks and tastes and smells cool, but when you light it up it is underwhelming. Im what you call a dr.greenthumb, and you dont have to believe it, but thats why I will come back only for stuff that is premium and clean and I will not be afraid to say when the quality is not there... at least for my ole ass.
And if youre really feeling bad about this you got the adress mate. Send me something I will get high with, like hootan and suissems have managed.. but I already offered you that solution and you naturally declined.
besides, Ive seen few other reviews now on your other stuff, that also claim weak product. not many but they were there.