So, I've been thinking about the paraphernalia distribution and I came to a realisation about something in particular.
The lighter, and in particular the Clipper lighter (or, at a push, Swan) with its removable pokey bit, is a covetable commodity. It's easily lost/stolen/forgotten but it's most importantly also refillable. It could pass through many, many hands, most of them stoners, most of them curious about the chosen logo and QR code. Ever moving, potentially, is the Clipper, with people scanning its QR code out of curiosity, sitting around in beer gardens, parties, or just smoking with a mate.
Your QR code.
No-one refuses a free Clipper, and who can have too many lighters? The guy that steals this one will probably have too many, but will he scan it too...?
Print will wear off quickly, but vinyl wrap can be printed with whatever people want, even potentially vendor logos and QR codes, then they can be put on in bulk. Maybe include one with orders? Your market is out there. Niche country? Even better. Marketing that could be clicked on by dozens, all generating income for you through codes, or, maybe no-one clicks at all?