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{cannabis growing}
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3rd attempt Growing advice
Recommendations for cheap grow tent/compete set up ,I recently got a ts3000 450watt from Mars hydro, I’ve tried to grow a few times but It seem to end up with mold in late flower so I was thinking of some kind of air exhaust/carbon filter also too regulate the humidity?
There is no such thing as a cheap set up mate.
Buy cheap buy twice!!
There is an awfull lot more to growing than throwing a light over them in a cheap tent!
An extraction set up is manditory really,for numerous reasons...First and foremost is to make the whole grow odourless to the outside world!! Secondary is to keep the relative humidity below 50% in late flower to avoid your beloved crop turning to grey mold before your eyes.
I suggest joining a forum and posting your grow 420 maybe? Lots of experienced growers on there will help you have a successfull harvest.
Have you got any recommendations for an exhaust system for a 5x5? I’m going to check out that website after I’m home for work thanks !
6inch ac infinity mate
What else do you have e in your grow kit?

You got a meter that measures temp and humidity. I’d hazard a guess this is the issue.

You can grow without and exhaust fan, I had several crops fine but as stated will stink without a carbon filter, mainly in flowering near end tbh.

However with a fresh air intake at bottom of tent and hot exhaust extraction at top you will get better results.

You can couple the exhaust fan to a temp controller too, I found this would help regulate at night in cold winters.

I managed to sort a whole carbon exhaust and smaller intake with fans and tubing for under 100 quid.

Make sure you got a little circulation fan in tent too, plants will love you for that addition
That’s all I kinda just winged the first 3 times but this time I got a decent light and tent so wanted to know what else to buy to make it all go perfect this time 🤷‍♂️, yeah my problem was definitely humidity and heat. Luckily for me smell isn’t really a issue I’ve found so far
Smell not an issue in terms of Random’s smelling or your skunk ain’t hit that overwhelming stench 😂

Avoid all in one deals, usually can get cheaper.

Amazon delivered most my stuff including soil lol a bit bait I know but did for years 😂

If growing in soil get ph meter you stick in, can get ones that switch between a few things including ph and wetness - 10 quid or so

Humidity meter / temp - 5 quid

Cheap tent - varies on brand and size - I’d go biggest you can first rather than neeeding to upgrade when you grow monsters lol

clip on fan for inside tent to circulate air (one that can oscillate) 10-30 quid

Key things you need to manage are:

Temps / humidity

Temps - can’t stress this enough!!! Dropping a couple of degrees is fine at night but big spikes will stress you babies

I believe leds ain’t as hot as I used to run hps.

The ONLY reason I had extractors was to manage temp via controller AND smell when peak flowering!!!!

You can get away with opening flaps and fan inside but I’d crack a window for some fresh oxygen.

You can go deep into more automation, nutrients and all that shit later mate.
I have heard that too powerful an LED for your space can have a negative impact.
No ones mentioned pot choice. It does matter.
I used Airpots-⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.
But messy to water with,but because they have holes in,you can get air to those roots—-I completely by accident ended up blasting the roots with winter uk temps (jan/feb) and the results we’re spectacular.
If I remember right I got 30 oz from a single 600w bulb.!!
Ak48-will never forget.

Good luck
Environment is Number one.

Get yourself a hygrometer with min and max facility on it and you'll know what is happening in the tent when you're not around.

With LED's you want about 27c lights on, and no lower than 22 with the lights off. While they are still Vegging, humidity should be around 70% but when in flower you should be aiming for 50%. Probably a tenner from amazon.

You need an extractor fan, probably about a 150mm for a small tent, but this needs to be wired into a fan controller such as an SMS, which will regulate the fan speed depending on what temp is in your tent. When it gets hot, the fan speeds up, and when the desired temp ir reached, it turns itself back down to the minimum. One end of the fan should have a carbon filter on it to hide the smell as best it can and the other end should be vented out of the tent. Not only does this control temps but it also draws in fresh CO2 which is essential to growth.

Next you need a heater of some kind for when the light is off or its particularly cold. Oil filled rads work best. Again, you need a controller for the heater to turn itself off and on as required. G.A.S make a pretty good heater controller for about 50 quid.

These are the most important steps. You could have the best cuttings or seeds in the world, but if your environment is not right, they'll still come out shit.

Search google for Growell or greens horticulture. They do all the bits youll need
Keep It Green
Tell us more.......

Grow space size?
How many plants?

Too many question

start with good cuttings
Hey 5x5 tent , 3-5 auto flowers I have seeds though not cutting, I’m growing the top back of my house
All good advice above...

If you don't get your environment will always struggle...air flow and extraction are a must imo!

Good luck!
If you’ve built a pc, try emulate a tower that has bottom / front intakes - exhaust out your top and back.

If really wanting good intakes - get smaller in-line fan and flexi trunking and seal this to window.

In winter i used to run my spent exhaust gas through the door on the room and into the house.

Saved on heating through winter 😂

Also remember air flow drops drastically with frequency of turns and harsh bends!!!
PC fans are also surprisingly powerful. I used to use them in my fermentation fridge when making beer.
Eddys Hashbar
PM me dude might have what you need 😉
look at deals on londongrow brother always got full kit deals...
If you just need better Air flow try and get a inline extraction 300m3hr
Just out of interest your obviously not using any form of humidifier in flower? or folliar feeding? XpeaceX
If you can come to me to collect I can give you my 4800 grow tent kit mar hydro .
You just need to replenish air, personally in a 5x5 I would use a 8inch extractor on a speed controller, that way you're covered if humidity spikes in flower. A 6inch should do it tho. intake is kinda optional I guess if your on a budget. defo leave vents open tho if not using a intake.
keep RH below 60% in flower and you should avoid mold. You will need the give your grow area and room a very good clean since you have had mold before. You should also see a huge improvement in yield since they would have been starved for co2 on your previous attempts.
Use airpots,and utilise the hundreds of holes in the design to blast colder air at the roots inside.
I did exactly that during a winter grow that finished on feb 13th- air was freezing !! Biggest crop I ever got from one 600w bulb 30 odd ozs.
Best of luck.
If mild is your main issue then you’re not moving enough air out.
This is paramount to keeping the moisture under the required amount.
Get a built in sensor that you can monitor with.
Maybe don’t water til run off when plants get bigger? Just add a bit at a time?

You need a good exhaust system (air out) and your game will change,I’m sure of it.

You won’t have to spend more than £70 for a brilliant extraction unit. And don’t forget about the ‘last line of defence’——the inline ozone attached to that exhaust. ABSOLUTE zero smell leaving your gaff. This is the most important purchase my friend.

Definitely join the forums,
So much advise there.
Number one piece of advice before seeds, tents, lights, extractors, nutes:

Get a decent air intake ie. cool, fresh air being drawn in from outside. You'll need to drill / bore a hole. Drill 2 holes, side by side and extract your air from the other. The cool air intake should preferably lay close to the floor so that it circulates around and then upwards. Invest in an adjustable fan - that way you can keep temps within the ideal range, even with hot lamps.
Listen to The Breeder’s Syndicate podcast.

Literally. And I mean literally. Everything you’ll ever need to know about growing. And a load of stuff you probably don’t need to know, and will be glad you did. Direct from both pros and amateurs. OGs and new growers alike.

Some fascinating stuff about hash and rosin making too.

I don’t grow. Still love listening to experts who do, talking about it. It’s fascinating learning all about all the original phenos direct from the people who grew them, year in, year out.
I’ve only grown once, as much to see if I could do it as anything else (cost/effort wise, it’s debatable how much benefit you ultimately get with a small grow, but I enjoyed it). As others have said, air flow and temperature were key things for me. And you also mentioned the smell not being an issue. This is interesting, because—done right—it’s going to smell *really* strong. So that filter is a must. I used a Black Orchid (100 mm) extractor fan and a 4inch filter made by a company called Ram. And make sure you’re taking care of them when they’re getting started (I read up on topping and pruning, and it really helped to establish sturdy/healthy plants). Good luck!
I would say also research different strains. Some are more resistant to mold than others.
I used to grow auto flowers and found the ones with a short flowering time like the F1 were far more susceptible to mold.
You can try with a carbon filter but I wouldn't bother, never found one that works. But yes you do need suck all that hot air out of the tent - not push - put the exhaust fan at the exit point within the tent and the other end attach to your light fitting - get a cool tube. And get the most powerful fan you can because you want a powerful suck so that the walls of the tent get sucked inwards, like the opposite of a bouncy castle - this creates the perfect grow environment as well as a few side effects such as killing bugs, they can't live in a negative pressure which is what inside your tent will be if you have the walls going inwards and you shouldn't get any mould. BUT... you still need to move the air around inside the tent and have good air flow over your crop - this will help strengthen the branches and also eliminate mould, end of. To do this get 2 oscillating desk fans and 2 bits of 50cm long bit of timber - turn the fans upside down and unscrew the bottom, screw that to the bit of timber then screw the bottom with the timber attached back on to the fan. Then screw a hole at each end of the timber and get some wire - each fan will be in opposite corners upside down with the wire tied to the top poles of the tent, get them right back in the corner and on oscillate - now buy a timer and plug them both in, put the timer on random times eg 1 hour on, 15mins off, 30mins on, 45mins off, 15 mins on etc for the full 24 hours. This will give you max yields for all the reasons I have mentioned and more. Best of luck.
Cool tube? What's is this 2001?

Man said he's using a mars so that's gonna be a LED panel.

If a carbon filter not working for you, you're defo doing something wrong.

I've run in both push and pull configs and always managed to get a good seal.

If you've got neighbours of any sort then you need a filter.

Otherwise good advice about keeping the air flowing.

I used to use oscillating fans inside the tent plus the extraction set up.
Man I loved my cool tube 🤣
Flavour chaser
Yes moulding in flower is too much humidity/bad air flow.
Couldn’t agree more with everyone! They need to be taken care of like babies ;) Fresh air is difficult especially in winter and humidity when we use heating and all the rain has definitely made us seen a difference and we had to exercise more control. There’s some really top dehumidifiers out there bud but as everyone said spend the money and you won’t regret it as the yield will pay it all off in no time
Have you you got any equipment you could recommend ? This all sound like so much effort but I really need to I spend over 1k a month on weed 😂 just wish I lived somewhere I could just plant and leave it to grow 🥲🥲
What’s your area size?

2nd hand Grow equipment goes for buttons on eBay compared with RRP.

Don’t use a 2nd hand filter, buy a good one, mountainair and carabo are very good.
Don’t use a box fan, use a cylinder style one - iso max, cannQ etc
But new contractors aswell.!!
Best advise I was given years ago.
Might be your lucky day.
I’ve got a makita skillsaw box full of grow nutrients and boosters.
I’m never gonna use it.
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