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joined may 2023
trust no one. know the blocks.
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5 topics on blockhead
by  blockhead
we are building a stable coin alternative to btc
by  blockhead
Building a stable coin alternative for LB payments.
by  blockhead
you can help us build a stable coin alternative for little biggy
if you can code take a look at our project:

we've just increased the reward by 1,000 usd thanks to a seller that graciously pledged to chip in.

but you don't need to do code or invest to bring a new payment processor to little biggy, you can help by simply letting developers know about this community and our opportunity within it. lb is a place you can't believe is real at first (it happened with us) so finding good people to join us is challenging. your endorsement or intro goes a very long way.

if you know a dev let them know about this, or if you have a chance, just spread the word.

thanks :)
Here is someone actually doing something, rather than saying what "should happen". You deserve our support, not armchair criticism. Any way I can help count me in.
0 criticism towards anyone trying to help so not sure where you pulled that from.

Owner could have this change and alot of other changes on here generously bountied to incentivise them getting completed.

Hope you can help with this ๐Ÿ™
Very generous of the vendor, but the amount of profit this site brings in on a daily basis, a few thousand is literally pennies.

Why are vendors having to chip in? The owner should increase the reward themselves for everyone's benefit. Money talks, if the incentive is high enough the job will get completed.
no, it wasn't generosity, it was from an investment.
Owner still should be the one funding this regardless of where the money come from off the vendor.

Either way, hopefully it gets implemented soon ๐Ÿคž
I really hope something comes of this I've just made two small transactions and charged almost $40 in fees , unfortunately it makes purchasing weed on lb really bad value
Appreciate you, will spread the word at my uni
All I see is people complaining about miner fee's why is there hardly any chat on here??

All this so called intelligence on here where are we with this?

Is anyone doing anything to move this forward or do we just like to moan and chat when no one is actioning??


Please can we date stamp so we can start to see some progress.
Hey blockhead, is there any movement on this at all?
yes thanks, you want to help?
I would if I could but I have no understanding of these things, I'm just wondering where you are at with this, as I'm sure many other biggas are too.
by  blockhead
Smart Contract 1
by  blockhead
solana dialect messaging
8 posts by blockhead
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Are we getting another payment option or not? (aka not another alt-coin topic)
littlebiggy does not process payments and has called for new payment processors to work with, that's what we are. they are probably laconic about thi…
Alternate Cryptocurrency 20/11/23
thanks, yes we are solving this problem with usd stable coins on the solana blockchain. the community can help by letting developers know of the opp…
Sellers: would real time comms make your lives better?
started topic
solidity + solana pay + chainlink smart contract ($6,000 + bonus)
started topic + 4 more
Smart Contract 1
started topic
bigg topics