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{star trek}
joined jun 2020
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6 topics on {star trek}
generation last
Worst Star Trek Series of All Time?
Gotta go with Enterprise
Fucking wannabe Captain
Todd's Sure Thangs
I loved the opener with Klingons on Earth but even then it kept getting dumber with that poor man's Kirk routine from this guy. It seems like he belongs in an old Disney movie playing off a car.
What about a talking Enterprise cartoon Todd?
Yes yes yes
The storylines was good but the acting let it down.
Deep Space 9 for me. Never got into it. Loved the others though.
generation last
"Deep Space" is such a Federation centric term, really offensive :0
The storyline was good in ds9
Discovery by a long way for me. It just didn’t feel like Star Trek. Rewatched all of Enterprise recently and it was way better than I remembered.
Really? The 2nd season was annoying as any grade school social propaganda but I thought the 1st season was right up there near the best Trek.
I’m sure I’ll rewatch it in a couple of years and have a fresh perspective. I just couldn’t handle ( forgive me if I’m taking Star Trek too seriously ? )the fact that, fundamentally Star Fleet is military, yes? How did Tilly make it onto a military vessel? Even Reg Berkeley for all his foibles had a semblance of respect for the fact he was on a military mission. I love Joss Whedon’s dialogue and sass but he’s an inappropriate inspiration for Star Trek characters.
A Trekker with some chops, welcome aboard sir. How would you rank Saru? I thought he was better than Data and right under Spock until they destroyed his character in the 2nd season.
generation last
Yes it's backwards to go from beta to alpha :)
It's trekkie mate :p
generation last
Now here is the debate I've been waiting for
saru should be carrying more of the woke issues (he's got several dimensions to work with) and let the humans stop being caricatures.
Can you remember when Enterprise was on channel 4 on a Sunday and if there was a two part one, they would show part one and forget to put part two on the week after!
totally agree. I watched part of discovery with my flatmate who hasn't seen any other trek series, she loves it and i feel nothing for it. I feel like it was made to bring in new fans

might try re watching enterprise but i don't have much hope for that either.
The cartoons
For me it has to be Enterprise. Even the theme music felt wrong to me. It felt like the cast never really jelled and as a result the whole thing feels flat and disappointing.
Maybe its time to consider re-watching Enterprise? Perhaps it will age like a fine wine! ?

I'm waiting for this thread to descend into a Star Trek vs. Star Wars debate, but we all know there is only one winner....

Live long and prosper ?
The theme music is a crime against everything good.
Enterprise got really good in the last two seasons. It is the closest thing to Trek you got even with this Discovery+Picard nonsense, so I'd recommend watching it if you haven't.
No. Don’t bother. It’s dreadfully noughties. Faux jeopardy and bad acting galore. Thank god Firefly came along when it did
Picard. It breaks my heart to say it, but what a huge disappointment. Patrick Stewart was wasted on that tripe.

Discovery has to be a close second it's not terrible but it's not really Trek.
Discovery closely followed by enterprise
Picard, but I guess that's not stricly trek!? If not then discovery by a mile.
Hootie and the Blow Job
no offence but do you happen to be romulan?
Discovery and Picard, if you want to count them as Trek, are by far the worst piece of ***** and the biggest disappointment for any Trek fan.
Not sure how old this thread is but what are my fellow biggie Trekkies thinking about β€˜Strange new worlds’? On Paramount +
generation last
if kirk were millennial we’d be pretty close to this
Enjoyed voyager except for Tom Paris and his boring holodeck programme. Any episode in which he was the main character were crap but just my opinion !
LOL, exactly. Chakotay was such a boring, bland character.
Chobe Industries
7 on the other hand I always found had my attention, I wonder why?
Shoulda named her 2 of 38.
must be because of her...borg implants? ;)
the latest movies, running the same plot as the wrath of khan but instead of being in their mid 50s...which was the point of the plot...they were like 11..and it made zero sense...see now spock isnt a vulcan at all in his behaviour, he shouts and looses it like a trek is written by retarded 9 year olds most hollywood crap
generation last
I kinda loved them it was nice to see a real budget at work, actually saw the 1st one in 4d.
I was going to say DS9 but I actually enjoy the later seasons. The original show was so dated I couldn’t bother to watch it. Enterprise was dire but short lived. Honestly I don’t think trek has bad series... the new films on the other hand ???
Original series
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Picard Season 3
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Star Trek Porn
The Wrath of Farrakhan
Who invented fandom bitches?
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Discovery Makes No Sense
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