Hello fellow biggas, I’m looking to be pointed in the right direction regarding the best concentrates and flower orrrr prerolls on here if anyone could help? It HAS to be absolutely 11/10 mind melting stuff so if you could give me your reasoning why you back it I’d appreciate it as it’s going to be shared amongst me and 5 others as we spread my old man’s ashes at his favourite smoke spot, TIA folks big love x
Since it's a special occasion maybe something like the Donut King pre-rolls that THC23 have would be ideal? Each one has 1.5g of bud with half a g of extract😶🌫️
In an ACE Cup mainly, so you'd want to be dabbing it, ideally. I did put some in a joint and got completely mangled off it, but it's a terrible waste and probably sacrilegious too.
No problem mate. Superb for carts too. Dispenses vapour into a little sippy cup / glass beaker thing. It may not be the best thing to use, but it's very easy to use for lazy stoners who may otherwise burn themselves with borosilicate bangers and whatnot (the Venn Diagram of this demographic includes me, obviously, hence the purchase)
This sounds like literally what I’m looking for, I’m trying to stop combusting, I’ve got a pax already and saving up for a volcano or mighty, might sack it off though for that
You'd be using the Mighty+ or Volcano for different uses than the ACE Cup though dude, so bear that in mind. You won't be smoking dabs or carts in the former two, nor bud in the latter. Give it very careful consideration before investing. You'll need a few extra of the combustion chamber thingies too.
While you’re researching, check out the Core 2.0/2.2 and the DTV5! Both similar to the ace cup and from the same company, DTV5 is a rabbit hole of customisation
Do a lot of research for your own sake. Check to see that something fits your needs specifically. These things aren't cheap dude and you'll end up with many, many devices. Practically guaranteed.
In light of our current Prime Grows drop (our own organic grow)
We are giving away 4 x 3.5 G of bud
To enter all you have to do is comment by letting us know what strain you would like to see us grow sometime in the future? Maybe cheese? What’s your choice?
Entrance from U.K. & Ireland only with min of 5 purchases to account.
Each entrant will get a reply with a number, the winning numbers will be filmed and posted on here from a random number generator to make the competition completely fair to all.
Entry Closes 11tb September at mid night. Tomorrow night
Hi Prime. My overall/general account has 25+ buys but I literally made my first purchase with you yesterday (Irish Bigga here getting a feel for your product and stealth). Do I qualify???
If yes, I vote sour diesel. Brings back good memories of the 00’s.
years ago i tried a strain called mango sherbert from humboldt seeds, was a lovelt taste a stone, would love to try that again, thanks for comp, best of luck all
Hi all the comp is still open till 11.59 pm tonight the 11th
Then at about 12 I will do the random generator draw for 4 winners and film it (upload a link for all to view to the site) around 12.30 and winners announced same time
I think people got confused when I put midnight. I meant today at 11.59 PM. So draw will be at 12, il film and upload so a upload site for all to see the draw video and hopefully by about 12.30 tonight we should have announce the winners
Great comp, so many strains I'd love to see on the go again and really hard to pick just one..but since that's the point I'll go with durban poison, had something that claimed to be dp a few months back and it was nothing like the old school smoke! Great comp, cheers