I can give goes to all the people over the years who have made this resource available for so many different types of users, from the medical user, the occasional, the regular, all of us benefit from this site being here, and I'm feeling very happy and grateful to everyone who has in some way helped to make this a reality.
I recently moved from Kent (where I had a fab supply through an awesome friend) to rural Scotland. I managed to eek out what I had to make it last as long as possible, managed to get a friend to send me some, which helped a bit, and managed to find a supplier eventually, all be it an hour+ drive away. I continued to buy from him when I could, but being disabled, and also having my eldest son in hospital at the same time meant that was infrequent. Then one day I sent the usual message through and didn't get a reply. Did get a read receipt though, so the phone was still active. Sadly I think he may have been caught. Not heard a word from him since. So that left me with no weed, just before my body went into the biggest fibromyalgia flare I've ever had. I needed to transfer my ID to the new address to register for a bitcoin account, so although I'd heard of little biggy, and browsed the site before I'd never used any of the vendors. I sent my licence off for renewal and spent a bit of time exploring the website. When I got my ID back I managed to set up a blockchain account. I was originally just going to use them as a wallet, but I realised I could buy bitcoin and send it to a vendor from the same app. I had to wait 24 hours to use my bitcoin, so I had to decide what would be my first purchase.
I decided to try some shake. Both to keep my risk down, and to test shake out. I've had similar from a BM dealer in Kent and was charged about 160 for dusty bag. It did have about 40g in it, but still pretty expensive for not very good quality. I decided to try my look and see if this shake is ny good. I eventually settled on @strainsburys for my first purchase, of 28g of skywalker shake. My bitcoin payment didn't go through till after 5pm on Friday so I knew they wouldn't be able to post until the Monday at the earliest. I didn't get a dispatch notification, so wasn't sure if it had been sent, but sure enough on Tuesday morning there is a knock on the door and my postie hands me a neat little package. No smell at this stage, no suspicion on his side. I took my little parcel inside, and with excitement I opened it up. The package was well secured, basically a plastic envelope containing a sealed little box which contained a vacuum sealed smell proof bag of blessed pain relief. Please bare in mind that at that point I was at the height of a prolonged extremely painful fibro flare, and I had been out of my herbal medicine for more than a month. I opened the bag and was hit with a lovely smell. Rolled myself what I thought was a very light weight joint and went and sat on my back step to smoke it. The pain relief and distancing from what had been overwhelming pain for the previous month was immediately evident. But I was barely half way down when I realised I was absolutely baked. I'm well impressed with how good the effects were from something that only cost me £70 for 28g. I've never been able to buy anything at this price before, not since the 90s when I managed to get an oz for a 100 once!
Since my first tentative and successful purchase I've been back for me. Another 28g of shake from the first vendor. Very pleased with this, similar or same price, but I much preferred Gelonade, which has a very pleasant taste, lovely smell when you open the bag, and is a very smooth smoke, that gets you nice and stoned. I've also decided to test out some vape carts, just waiting for the battery to arrive to test that out. And finally, I had an amazing bargain 14g of shake delivered this morning. Only ordered it yesterday lunchtime from justweed and to say I'm impressed is an understatement. OK, so none of the bags of shake I've ordered have contained much in the way of nugs, but that hasn't been a problem for me, because the effects are potent and good.
To sum up my stoned waffle, I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone, vendors, site operators and buyers, all of you who make this a reality, thank you, and if I've missed anyone, I'm sorry, I just tested out justweeds shake and I'm stoned af