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{brain hacking}
joined jul 2016
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16 topics on {brain hacking}
by  foster
Self Awareness is Just a Hack on Your Awareness of Others
The theory that mirror neutrons eventually turned inward is a strong one.
Chigga Supreme
Vilayanur Ramachandran has gained lots of insights from people with various defects, it makes for very dramatic demonstrations.
Don't computers have something like mirror neurons? That's like the basis of machine learning.
Deep. Some food for thought: Elon musk recently said that raising a child is just 18 years of “prompt engineering”. Similar to how we would train an AI model, from its original training data to the parameters we set, it’s able to be trained to do ANYTHING - all dependent on the prompts we input. Therefore the real value lies in engineering the “best” prompts to get the desired results. Akin to raising a child, if we can engineer the right environment or thought patterns to allow the child to make the connections and conclusions based on that environment we have solved the puzzle to get whatever outcome we want from that child. This is why they call them neutral networks because they are literally modelled off the brain. I imagine watching an AI model grow and make its own connections between data points is just like watching a child grow and make connections between different data points in the real world. Interesting stuff.
Didn’t Elon musks child disown him? 🤣
This makes me both lonely and less lonely :)
True talk
A Soft, Wearable Brain–Machine Interface
by  Tenpester
Wireheading Done Right: Stay Positive Without Going Insane
The Neurologist That Hacked His Brain - And Almost Lost His Mind
jah people
Brain implants give a voice to people who cannot speak
A tweet directly from the brain
by  wells
Open Source Brain Computer Interface
tDCS in Scientific American
by  coldspurs
Reading Minds Through Veins
by  samCHED
Being Brilliant Every Day
by  wells
Paralysed man posts first ‘direct-thought’ tweet through brain chip
Embedding AI in... People!
by  p-air
The Dopamine Fasters of San Francisco
tDCS is proven to effectively treat depression
A Brain Prosthetic to Improve Memory
New Map Reveals 100 Undiscovered Regions of Brain
bigg topics
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