Now fascists have performed a coup in America its a good idea to be careful when taking in their news, Fox News especially are now acting as a Russian/North Korean style state media and pushing whatever story Muskler and his frontman want them to while ignoring the complete takeover of all government systems.
The population is being systematically isolated from the rest of the world, laws are being changed to allow ICE (Their new Anti-Immigration Department) to go into schools and churches to arrest "Illegals" these were previously safe spaces, they are making immigrants who have been going through the immigration system legally classify as illegal now so they are subject to the raids too, some of these people have been in America since their parents brought them there as kids, they have been educated there, grown up there, worked and paid taxes all their adult lives and they are now having their temporary status revoked and deemed illegal, one law change even allows them to exile American citizens, they are building "Detainment Camps" to house a concentration of people at Guantanamo to await deportation.... so..... Concentration Camps.
Maybe the most worrying change they are trying to make is written into the constitution and involves "Birthright Citizenship".
Basically this is the decree that ANYBODY born on American soil IS an American end of story, IF they manage to break the constitution to implement this change it will mean they can start rounding up anybody they want, anybody, your parents or grandparents are Muslims, Africans, Mexicans are they? You're out!
Or worse... remember, the Nazis only SAID they were going to deport the people they were cleansing from the country, we know now they were not, that was too expensive.
This IS ethnic cleansing and when the Nazis made these preparations nobody realised what they were doing because nobody had seen it before, we can see what's happening this time and we should be calling it what it is!
A crime against humanity.
Two days ago people died in storms while Agent Trumpovich spent millions of dollars on photo opportunities at the Daytona 500, he has refused to send aide for those affected because he's currently hacking away at all the federal agencies including FEMA which would be on the ground helping those people, planes are falling out of the sky at an alarming rate because of savage cuts to the FAA, prices across the board have rocketed (up to $15 in places for 12 eggs), they confuse and distract the world with bold claims and dangerous threats to sovereign nations and it's all a part of the show, the plan.
"Anarchy is the stepping stone to absolute Power" ~ Napoleon Bonaparte
This quote about revolution describes what they are doing, it's all smoke and mirrors and feeds into the culture war they have been nurturing in America to do exactly this.. to get people to side with Americas white supremacists like the KKK or MAGA as they are now known and the women hating Andrew Tate anarchists, they have weaponized toxic gaming communities by telling them DEI is why their games are shitty rather than it being the greedy developers microtransactions and lazy use of AI systems that are spoiling games, they have turned people against LGBTQ community by demonising them too with the same term DEI, when you hear them saying about DEI ruining everything what they really mean is brown people and trans people are ruining everything, its their code.
The rebranding of their hateful bullshit.
I have never met a trans person, most Americans haven't, they are a really tiny percentage of the population but half of the country were whipped into a frenzy about how the woke left are ramming it down everyone throats... they weren't, these guys were.
And then millions of people voted on something that had never affected them.
They have created this whole culture war to achieve what is happening now.
Their use of message bots is there for everyone to see too and they have bots on both sides of the argument to make sure everyone is angry!
The left and right team sport politics America does is still happening now as they are being slowly worn down.
They have been lulled to sleep, made to feel angry and scared about absolutely everything but trapped behind a keyboard when they should be in the streets fighting for the freedom they are losing.
Elolf Muskler believes the white slavers in South Africa are the victims of Apartheid, these "victims" were his family and friends who were cruelly stopped from enslaving a race of people and working them to death in their emerald mines, his friends who are known as the Paypal Mafia are also nostalgic for Apartheid, have strong views on eugenics and how to overthrow countries to rule them like authoritarian monarchies with them, the CEOBros as the Monarchs, their vision is for a network of these Broligarchys... starting with America.... First!
Read about Curtis Yarvin and Peter Thiel, these are the ideas guys, what we are seeing in the States now is Yarvins vision of a Technocracy being put in place and it's Peter Thiels methods on show, his books talk about how you would take over the system by ruthlessly chopping away everything , seizing the tech and the systems and then rebuilding it around yourself so you are integral to it.
Now when you consider these men were from the last place on earth to openly celebrate Hitlers birthday and would use the salute to greet each other you have to consider just how dangerous it could be if ACTUAL Nazis like this teamed up with the the American white supremacist groups like the NRA/KKK/MAGA and other far right groups to bring forth their Nazi revolution!!
They will wait till they have full control, nuke Trump with the Epstein files or however they and Putin are controlling him and slide JD Vance into Trumps seat, then Musk has his man in the seat....
This is how Musk has gained control of nearly every company he owns, he's not a genius, but he's not stupid, he is a hypomanic megalomaniac drug addict fascist with strong views on eugenics and a talent for hostile takeovers and dramatic distractions.
Remember the last one of those who had as much power as Musk now has was Hitler.
JD Vance is his man and when he stands in front of Germany and has the nerve to repeat Adolf Hitlers actual words about the Jews being the "enemy within" while lecturing them on values then don't doubt what he is saying.
That was them openly announcing to the world exactly what they are, they have revealed they are Nazis now so lets call them that.
They will argue for free speech to serve up their hate so you have freedom to call them ignorant Nazi degenerates.
They used to know THEY are the minority!
REAL Americans need the world now more than ever and the world needs them to stand up for their rights soon, the corporate media is theirs and the free media that are reporting the facts like MSNBC and CNN are being pressurized with law proceedings and arguably are still not seeing the bigger picture.
We can help by keeping them in touch with the outside world and boycott as many American products as we can until they are removed from power, it's happening, protests are growing, every day in every state.
MeidasTouch are coming from a university campus and have experts in all the areas needed to help unpick whats happening, they are doing a good job cutting through the bullshit and they have no overheads to be pressured with so for now at least they are able to report facts:
Fuck Fascists Free America โ๐ป