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One Eye On the Reich
joined feb 2025
Following the unfolding events America through the independent and free press.
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17 topics on One Eye On the Reich
Definitely not Nazis though.... (6.4.25)
One Eye On the Reich
Who is Krasnov?
Former KGB officer Alnur Mussayev claimed Donald Trump was Russian asset who was recruited in the 80's.

History commentator Jim Heath explains the links between Trump and the Kremlin.
Squidgy Pete
Why is your name ' One eye on the Reich ' ?
Are you trying to associate the Trump administration with Hitler ?
I find that quite offensive when you ignore the Nazi militants in Ukraine . The US democrats , the UK , and Canada trained , armed , and funded Nazis in Ukraine and sent them off to fight in the Donbas and cause chaos all over Ukraine. A surviving ww2 Nazi from Ukraine even got a standing ovation in Canadian parliament last year , yet you're calling Donald and Putin Nazis .
The only other people who are like the Nazis today are the Hamas Palestinians and Islamist ummah who's stated goal is to ethnically cleanse the middle east from the river to the sea . Some even go as far as calling for the ethnic cleansing of Jews world wide .
Hitler was our oppressor , not yours . You need to get your own villains . It's some kinda psychotic evil to twist the truth like that .
Psychopaths always accuse their opponents of what they themselves are guilty of .
I don't think you're a psycho , I think you're ignorant , but you should stop with the Nazi stuff . It's incredibly offensive and racist . You should rely on reasoned arguments rather that poisoning the well with character attacks .
One Eye On the Reich
Ahh I knew it would only take one more message.

Hello Ivan, you've guzzled down so much of Putins hate gravy that its filled your head and numbed your mind!
Was just waiting for it to start dribbling it out, you hatetards cant help yourselves.

The Nazi group you cite are as deplorable as the German Nazis, Russian Nazis and the American ones but most are in America Neo-Nazi groups now. with photographic evidence they film their rallies for Twitler!

I have the same reaction to all of them.
They are all degenerates.

You know Russian state media shows around 7/8 swastikas everyday including from Nazi propaganda films from the 30s so it's a known Russian indoctrination method and they use that exact talking point to cite Ukraines Nazis and Europes Nazis while pretending they aren't the fascists themselves.

The name is easy, if you read about the rise of the Nazis it reads like a road map to what they are doing so that's why we named it that, if Musk wants people to stop calling him a Nazi he needs to stop doing Nazi shit.
Squidgy Pete
The insults were unnecessary and you haven't addressed any of my points .

Yes , Neo Nazis do exist all over the world . However , only Ukraine uses professionally trained Nazi military units to fight wars .
What you are engaging in there is 'whataboutism ' .
You accuse Trump and Putin of being Nazis without any evidence while ignoring the actual Nazis .

I have no idea what your saying about Russian media promoting Nazis . This seems highly unlikely given their history of fighting the Nazis . Please provide evidence . I don't watch Russian media . I got my information on Ukrainian Nazis from Western sources and independent research . I have personally spoken with Azov and they are not shy about who they are , what they've done , or who funds them .

What Trump is doing is nothing like the rise of fascism in Germany . Do you have any actual arguments or is it all baseless claims ?
One Eye On the Reich
You were really rude and you moan about me reacting?

I'm sorry but calling someone ignorant for not believing the same thing as you is rude as fuck and your problem is you have no idea that is.

I'm very careful to speak to people with the respect they show me so if you get a mouthful you maybe deserved it.

I've uploaded 200 videos all that carry links to the sources used in the clips.
Theres my evidence.

You cant see or here it because you doint want to and im sorry but ive shown evidence to you people before and you point blank call it fake news and dismiss it while claiming Fox never lies šŸ˜‚

I don't need to get into a debate with someone who is unable to debate with using that same childish culture war Russian propaganda shit to twist it all up.

Just look yourself and if you are unabl to find the facty about any given subject thats on you.

You make the claims that go against the perceived truth so the onus is on you to prove your point but MAGA cant, they just shit talk and do whataboutisms to distract from the fact they are doing deplorable shit now, them, THEM and noone else!
Squidgy Pete
I haven't insulted you once . I said that I thought you were ignorant rather than evil.
That's me giving you the benefit of the doubt for twisting the truth about the Nazi holocaust and who it's ideological successors are .
You have a chance to engage me with your evidence and reason here in this public square but instead you seem desperate to insult me and run away .
You've made nothing but baseless claims so far . Engage with the arguments and enlighten me instead . This is your chance to spread your message .
One Eye On the Reich
Well that was pretty arrogant of you and if you don't understand how it was insulting maybe you shouldn't be trying to have these debates.
There's no evidence or proof that will sway you or me to change our minds.

You like Putin,Trump and Musk and what they are doing and I think its deplorable, why do we need to continue, we don't, I was never trying to change your mind about your opinions but you made false claims so had to respond.

I even said you are welcome to your opinions and we encourage it but not if youre just gong to do the boring MAGA thing of dismissing everyone elses opinions as ignorant before even finding out because they aren't the same as yours.

It's unhelpful in everyway
Squidgy Pete
You speak for yourself . I absolutely will change my mind based on evidence and reason. I've done so many times .
Nobody has access to absolute truth . It's an approximation and always subject to change based on reason and evidence .
You're outing yourself as a mindless bigot here .
One Eye On the Reich
If that's true then good of course we think everyone should think for themselves, that's part of the reason we started doing this, too many people are stuck in their bias team news.

But you the defended Putin, he's a war criminal in every part of the world apart those he runs.
Netanyahu too and Trump is a suspected paedophile and convicted rapist who has let two other rapists free since being in power!

These arent good men you defend so do you understand the reactions people have maybe?
Squidgy Pete
Ignoring the fact that you've just outed yourself as a mindless bigot ?
Sure , lets move on .
The ICC is a Western controlled institution . If you did your own research you would find many war crimes committed by Ukraine and Hamas .
I never defended Putin , I denounced Western backed Ukraine . You would be better capable of nuance if you stayed calm .
One Eye On the Reich
I'm just over it as you have spewed straight up Russian propaganda, maybe you don't realise but either way mens this is a waste of our time anyway.

That IS Putin's propaganda so even if you came to it yourself or not it's still a piece of outdated information so misinformation.

And it is all irrelevant.

As i said, you were allowed your opinion, mine was dismissed and i was called ignorant and not even for something i said.
For something you got angry about in your own mind.
After that asking me to be rational is unfair and more stupid culture war trolly behaviour.

You want to tell me i'm wrong and you don't even know what I
You called me lib lol, that's not the slur you think unless they are your enemy like MAGA have been brainwashed to think.

But i'm not a Dem or a Lib or a MAGA. you assume everything and accuse me of that when I never cared to change your opinion at all.

We don't know what coming and nobody else does.
Squidgy Pete
What a load of projection .
What Russian propaganda have I spewed ? I keep telling you , be specific so I can engage .
If I come to a conclusion from my own research and I have the evidence to back it up then it should not be dismissed as Russian propaganda . That is bigoted and erroneous reasoning . It's desperate cope .

I did not dismiss your opinion , I engaged with it . You are the one dismissing my opinion without any attempt at reasoned rebuttal. You have demonstrated your bigotry over and over again .

I am telling you that you're wrong based on the words you have written . I never called you a lib . Again , you are way off topic and just plain imagining things . Fighting more phantoms .
One Eye On the Reich
Word for word you talk about Ukrainians like MAGA and they've only been doing it since the ceasefire was approaching and Putin need it.
Squidgy Pete
Guilt by association ? You are a very poor reasoner .
I'm from the UK . I don't speak to MAGA . If our opinions coincide on Ukraine then it sounds like they might be on to something .
Again , you fail to engage in any kind of actual argument .
One Eye On the Reich
The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion

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