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{web 3.0}
joined sep 2020
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15 topics on {web 3.0}
by  Tenpester
No-trust: The foundation of a Civilisation
A "no trust" system, often referred to as a "zero trust" system in the context of cybersecurity, operates on the principle of "never trust, always verify."¹ This approach assumes that there are potential threats both outside and inside the network, so no user or device is trusted by default. Instead, every access request is thoroughly verified before granting the minimum necessary privileges.

For such a system to work over an extended period like 1000 years, several key factors would need to be in place:

1. **Adaptive and Evolving Policies**: The system must have the ability to adapt to new threats and technologies over time. This would likely involve machine learning algorithms that can evolve without human intervention.
2. **Decentralization**: To avoid single points of failure, the system should be decentralized, with decision-making processes distributed across multiple nodes.
3. **Sustainability**: The system's infrastructure would need to be sustainable, with mechanisms for self-repair and maintenance.
4. **Continuous Verification**: Ongoing and real-time verification of credentials and access rights would be essential to maintain security.
5. **Immutable Audit Trails**: Keeping secure, unalterable logs would help in tracking and analyzing access patterns and potential security breaches.

Implementing such a system would be a complex endeavor, requiring foresight into technological advancements and societal changes over the millennium. It would also need to balance security with usability to ensure that it remains practical for the users it serves.
by  kc4
by  kc4
Jaron Lanier's Data Dignity (video)
Digital Scarcity: Artificial or a Creators Right?
web3 onboarding is like waterboarding
buddy holy
is IPFS storage permanent?
by  since71
A savings account that pays in lottery tickets
by  litttleL
Peer Tube
The crypto-communists behind the Web3 revolution
by  brakefast
Go Ahead and Hate
by  daoDid
Herman Narula defines Metaverse
MetaMask and OpenSea blocking Venezuela and Iranian Users
by  Tenpester
The Greatest Tech Prophet Knows Crypto Is It
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