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One Eye On the Reich
joined feb 2025
Following the unfolding events America through the independent and free press.
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6 topics on One Eye On the Reich
One Eye On the Reich
Definitely not Nazis though.... (6.4.25)
Trump administration clamps down further on unrest and protesters.
The US is so fucked it's been on the borderline of being hilarious and terrifying. At this point, I'm convinced that people supporting the stupid orange primate are either 4channers or crayon munchers.
One Eye On the Reich
Seems to be an unholy alliance of c*nts!

All carefully designed so rich c*nts can take everything and ensure the poor c*nts don't eat them.

Rise of the C*ntocracy!
One Eye On the Reich
Trying to minimise scenes like the one last week in Idaho when a woman was forcibly removed from a town hall meeting by unbadged men...
One Eye On the Reich
Full footage of the Idaho incident
One Eye On the Reich
And the sheriff dragging her from her chair...
One Eye On the Reich
Then there's the book burning...

Anthony Davis discusses the apparent plan to dismantle the education system.
One Eye On the Reich
And straight up Nazi shit from Trumps recent speech...

Covered here by Jesse Dollemore
One Eye On the Reich
Meanwhile on the international stage Russia seems to be calling the shots still as Trump halts all intelligence sharing with Ukraine.

An MSNBC panel discuss
I'm sorry but you're absolutely fucking ridiculous. I never post here anymore but God damn what utter pond life
One Eye On the Reich
We are just watching the news in a country that many of us are intrinsically linked with in many ways where they are actively trying to supress the real news.

If current affairs aren't your thing you should avoid the posts but some might find them useful as the regular news in many countries aren't able to report on what's happening in the country like the independents can.

There's no agenda other than trying to make sure anything we post is verifiable and making sure the facts are presented.

We will sometimes react with sarcasm, satire, horror, disgust, empathy etc. because we are human and we are all free to share our opinions still like you so eloquently have.

Appreciate your feedback.
Not reading that, but I can tell you're just being hysterical, disingenuous and hysterical.

You live in a fart bubble of actual misinformation and bad faith arguments.

You could stay in those little fart bubbles smoking your own dicks patting yourselves on the backs for ending fascism leaving the rest of us out of it, but no... Bunch of dorks.

I don't know you but I hate you and your politics.
One Eye On the Reich
Well the fact that you wouldn't even read our fair response which only explained we don't have any wish to impose any personal politics either way says more about you than us.

We are just watching what is happening with interest and that is it, it's odd that people seem so triggered by just showing what is happening, they will look away from the evidence we can all see and insist we are the brainwashed ones!
We are students of history, psychology and law and are interested in the world around us and the dissemination of facts.
We aren't trying to share our political or religious beliefs with anybody and we aren't trying to hear that either.

This is what Musk,his friends and their AI enhanced manipulation of reality has led to, facts just don't matter to some anymore.
When it's happening right in front of everyone and the worlds leaders and experts are calling it out you have to stop trying to shout down the facts on the internet with ideology.

We don't hate you but we don't care about your politics either, we hope you find a way to be fulfilled and happy.
No. Absolutely not mate. The profile pic, the million posts of thousand word essays is not "just watching with interest". That's an agenda. You have an agenda.

Politics is cancer. You're in a literal cult. Take it to Reddit where it belongs.
Not sure why you feel this way.

Personally i find this useful to indicate sentiment away from state biased media.
Try Reddit - FB - Youtube.

Pretty much the only place you can escape this is here... well, it used to be.
One Eye On the Reich
Noted, we know a lot people come to escape the real world here as we do and we are definitely not trying to irritate anybody.
Many people avoid social media so only have the MSM to go on and they can't cover everything.

We did post todays posts in one go to try and avoid it being on the board all day.

People CAN avoid the posts though and we will try not to hog the board.

Thanks for your feedback
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