Long story short - how are people consuming distillate without smoking it?
My motivation for asking is that after over 30 years of smoking weed & hash (mostly with tobacco) , I've replaced smoking with vaping, and have made a few expensive mistakes when trying to replace smoking weed with consuming distillate.
I started to experiment by trying to extend the life of ready made distillate vape carts by dripping a bit of my usual VG/PG vape juice on top.
This sort of worked, but only coz the VG/PE sat on top of the distillate and pushed it down through the disposable cart.
Then I saw the pure distillate for sale, so had myself some of that, and gave myself a massive whitey (for the first time in 30 years) by trying to vape it pure.
Then in a message thread on here I saw a reference to LIQUI-FIRE, which is basically a branded, purified terpene solvent, from what I can gather.
Anyway, I've made 2 batches of vape juice now, the first by mixing 5ml sticky distillate with 3ml neutral liquidiser, then the second lot by mixing with 4ml of girl scout cookie flavoured terpene 'flavouring'.
They both have a kick like a mule, being vaped from an Aspire K3, with a big single drag being about the same as half a spliff of good weed or hash.
I'd like to hear from other LittleBiggars what they're doing to vape this stuff? And other questions, like for example "what's the difference between a dilutant, liquidiser, and flavour"? I have no idea, they all look like colourless liquids to me.