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1 topic on WYDWMO
Lets talk tracking
Why are some sellers so secretive with tracking ? If I pay nearly £10 for delivery then send me the tracking! Some sellers comms are useless on littlebiggy and trying to find out where your parcel is can be impossible if youre relying on comms alone, it can also leave a bad taste seeing your messages are unread for hours when the seller is using messenger "minutes ago", can people please list the sellers that just give you what you pay for ? As in, place an order, send you tracking instantly? Tia
Or you could try just a little patience. Tracked orders will mostly be with you in a couple of days and checking the tracking every 5 minutes won’t get it to you any faster. Save asking for those few that haven’t arrived as expected…

And yes, it can in certain circumstances be an OPSEC issue.

For exemplary NDD included: Dr.Greenthumb…
But, I wanna check every 5mins..

Which is why I order from SN2D, attaches the tracking to your order, and there's that giddy excitement seeing it leaving the US, and passing through customs!!

On domestic though, patience is key. RM aren't the quickest, but they do get it right 98% of the time.
Tracking is great to have for bits coming from overseas I agree
We don't offer tracking for numerous reasons.

Afew of which are,

1. %99.9 land within 48 hour timeframe
2. It fits through the letterbox
3. Our packer does such a great job packaging to a standard, why bother loading them with extra admin.

This is an educated guess so correct me if I'm wrong biggers

Tracking has alot of information that could lead to there whole operation being fucked.

So say ur a fed u make an order i send u the tracking. chances are based on how the senders sent it out its probably traceable to a royal mail account or to a post office (complete with time and date so they can check cctv).

it is frustrating but i get it also these vendors get a lot of orders so to update each order with tracking number is also gnna be time consuming.
The thing with that is that the tracking number is also printed on the parcel itself anyway so from an OPSEC point on view it makes little difference.
Once the parcel is "in hand" regardless of who ordered it its entire journey can be viewed anyway.
They may as well send the tracking info out, its going to be seen at some point anyway.

An RM account is not actually required so it's not necessarily the case that it can be traced back that way but, yes the CCTV thing could be an issue.

As usual though it comes back to them simply not having time, resources etc. to spend chasing down people selling a bit of Bud by post.
This is correct but…

If you’re posting out tracking as standard and the site gets taken over like so many darknet marketplaces then the law has every tracking number, every post point, every postage order detail and that’s really the only trail a vendor leaves aside from wallet addresses.
Unlikely but I wouldn’t risk it.
Bro you have no orders and just joined LB!? You ok? 😅👀
Probably active on other sites m8
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