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1 topic on Fod
by  Fod
Perfume taste.
Not sure if I’m going nuts but for the last few years I have noticed some bud I’m smoking has a very strong perfume kinda taste, Now this can be on any given bit of weed I have had over the years and I would also say some joints may have this taste on a couple of tokes and then be fine for the rest of it. Is it nutes I’m tasting that haven’t been flushed properly or something else. Would appreciate your views.
It could be many issues, most it’s coz they’re morons and put ona in the room or the other one is they use Athena and don’t flush it out properly, just my 2pence worth
I get that perfume taste off street herb more often than not.
On LB, I think only once I came across a delivery that had a perfume taste.
I have brought many different strains on LB (like a kid in a sweet shop) and I would say it’s well under 5% that I’ve had this experience with.
Had this many times with shake. Think it's to do with spraying the packaging with febreze or something to mask the smell
I know what you mean mate ,
Perfume smell -
People spray the outside bags but it gets in when they open then shut - also people growing in there house spray the place up masking smell - this gets on the plants - bad stuff bad storage and bad growing conditions this what I think
I had sprayed weed before that sounds like this, but you’d taste it the whole way through, there are Terps in weed that have that pot pouri smell, I personally find banana strains taste like that to me. it could be your just picking up on Terps you don’t like, as your pallet has become more refined, weird you find it in so many strains. Any strains you found are common offenders ?
I wish I had made a note of what bits were like this, I will going forward if I am unfortunate to get another bit like it. I have asked someone else to try it and they could also taste it. My comment on it not being through the whole joint was in regards to previous bits I have had. This current bit is throughout. Even tried masking it with a some hash but never made a difference.
What’s the current strain you’re noticing it on ? Yeah keeping a diary could be useful if you find a pattern in strains you will know to avoid them, may also be worth noting where it came from too.
It's funny that you get this perfume taste for part of your joint but then nothing for the rest of it...🤔
Just as bizarre as it being many different strains that seem to have it. At first I thought it was my taste buds playing up.
LA Confidential has a very floral/perfumey taste to it….I always thought that anything perfume smelling had been sprayed until someone I knew grew a LA Confidential 😂
Most crosses of it i have tried seemed to retain the floral terps.
I’m sure you do get some people spraying low smelling weed with perfumey terps tho
I get that there are plenty of terp combinations out there on strains and this will no doubt continue with all the hybrid stuff going on. Flavours will get stronger and weaker I guess.
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