Hi All,
I don’t intend to name and shame the sellers on here- but you know who you guys are!!
I have felt the need to pen this message so I could get the community sentiment. As well take the opportunity to put one or two of our beloved sellers on BLAST!!
Let me start by highlighting that this community is about and always has been about the people— the consumers... that PUT their hard earned money in the sellers BTC Wallet.
No one out here is serving as a charitable organization, you get paid for your product you sell on here.
I want to talk/ask about a few things:
- how long does one wait till you dispute your order:
Back ground: I’ve been a LB customer for over a year now. And I live in the UK, and I’ve never EVER waited for more than 5 days. Currently on my 8th day.
- what is the protocol when your package does not drop?
What I have found, most sellers just done care enough to reply back(wtf)? They you have those that can’t type more than a few word.
Here is my experience of following up with a vendor who’s package usually drops next day..and the fact it hasn’t dropped in over a week I believe I am absolutely in my right to follow up-
But instead, I have been recieved by aggression, no support except for wait it out.. and followed up by telling me I would be Banned from his page if wouldn’t stop harassing him.
To be clear, I did message hi once a day for ever day my goods were delayed.
For me, that shouldn’t happen ever..
Like other business- if you pay for something, the seller has the responsibility to finish that sale,NO?
Taking the risk to sell your shit isn’t any of our business neither. I believe you get paid handsomely for it!!
If sellers charge you for shipping, it should 100% their responsibility to make sure it gets there... rather than abusing your paid customers..
Maybe they get to much biz out here so they don’t value everyone equally.
Also people using COVID as an excuse...that shit is week.. we are 4 months in to Covid and life is starting to go back to normal so I don’t believe RM Are struggling as much..
Like I said I don’t want to call out anyone.. as everyone out her is just trying to hustle.. but i have found this interaction absolute appalling.. and very not becoming of one of the top vendors on LB
I would ASK LB to put protocols in place so that the sellers are held responsible to complete a sale and amicably correspond with paying fuckinh customers..
Happy to be corrected but I’d 1st class post takes over a week, it’s not looking good right..
Help a brother out.. what do I do from here.