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2 topics on JackD80
by  JackD80
Best dry herb vapes
Need recommendations on vapes desk top or handheld not really a budget just want to stop smoking
I am a big fan of the Mighty by S&B.
Think I’d rather have the desktop vape tbh
Then volcano it is
I want it but was going to try arizer Xq2 but might just go all out
Screwball by vapvanna
Looks good that, might have to get one as a back up / alternate to my herborizer
That’s More like a bong I prefer something I can smoke like a joint but that looks really good
The Herborizer Digi TI by Herborizer
I was impressed by my mates mighty. Was more money than my little Xmax vape but it's a really good bit of kit. That's what I'll probably buy next time.
From what I have heard, DHVs are a 'buy cheap, buy twice' product. Budget permitting, I would avoid anything less than $100 or so.

I have a Crafty+ which has served me well over the past year. It is a little feature light, and the battery could be better, but you could not ask for a better starter DHV.

If you can afford a pricier one, I would get that instead. But I don't think you can go far wrong either.
i use a storm a very good small DHV, top tip if you can take the filters out of the mouth peice, they clog up with oil that should be in your lungs. puff slowly.
Thinking on just getting a volcano hybrid then
A Stoned Man
Hi mate, ive been vaping for 2 years and have had most of the top rated vaporizers available. The sticky brick runt is on another level dude I haven’t really used the screwball since I got the brick, the mighty is a close second for me, I wish it was a desktop.
Personally have a plenty, volcano and mighty .
The bag for the volcano gets on my tits tho it just rustles in the background forever.
Not that I'm a storz and bickel fan πŸ˜‰.
You’re not kidding about the noise of those bags πŸ˜…
So what do you use the whip/hose thing ? Would u say the volcano is worth it
Volcano is definitely worth it, my digit lasted 7 years with no repairs. Could’ve sent it to S&B for repair but I purchased a Mighty so I could use it out and about. That being said there are so many devices available that are worth their price points, I am biased towards S&B as I’ve had great experiences with their products while lacking any with the competitors.

I’ve heard bags are superior to the whip but plenty still use the whip so it’s likely just personal preference I can’t imagine it being so different.
I think am going to get a volcano hybrid with the whip as I just love smoking joints thanks anyway
Go mighty with storz and Bickel or tinymight 2
Best two portable vapes I’ve tried. I gave up smoking overnight no nicotine now for 4 years.
ruby twist (desktop dhv) + microdose bowl + the orb wpa (off dhgate, get the one with the broad base). total about Β£200. bob's your uncle.

there's nothing available atm that smokes like a joint otherwise i'd be using it. this is the best value desktop dhv around and wh'en you dial in your preferences it's a comparable strength of high to smoking. go in knowing that you'll never get the same kind of intensity of hit absent the toxins produced by combustion. but you can easily get massive clouds of vapour every time, you'll feel like a fucking fog machine. and then the high itself is usually more of a creeper, a more gentle builder. it reaches the same heights but because you dont get that same immediate smash hit from smoking it can be a psychological hurdle to overcome for some.

if you like hash, just be sure to make all your sausages as slim as possible to maximise the surface area for the heat to penetrate. most people vaping hash waste in a lifetime product equivalent in size and weight to a juvenile sperm whale, so dont be like them.
+1 for Ruby twist and glass piece!

I can’t highlight enough how much of. Step up these were from the mighty for me, heck I’d even argue it trumps me old volcano.

Flavour is INCREDIBLE and can get you ripped quick with little herb used!

I went with the chugga jug which is very well made imo.

Considering they can be cheaper / same price as a mighty I would never recommend the mighty over these again.

Only issue is, if you want a portable vape as these aren’t going anywhere without some additional power supply 🀣

Anyone serious about switching from smoking should consider these first. MUCH more vape produced and can get a nice throat hit too that doesn’t tickle 😎
You can’t go wrong with the Venty or Tiny Might 2!
I have a Crafty+ for day to day, Terpcicle (requires butane) and a Glenn Briars Hash Pipe for you guessed it hash (and concentrates), this also requires the use of a torch. All are really good bits, I have also got a Dynavap but didn't like it at all. Out of all the Terpcicle is my favourite but I have to limit the use on it or I end up using far too much weed.
Honestly got to put in a word for the PAX. Had a PAX 2 for years and it's still going strong. Pretty cheap and good for stealth vaping when you're out
Was looking at pax3 but think I’d rather have a desktop
Nectar Hex. You can get capsules for flower and concentrates. Uses 18650 batteries.
by  JackD80
Best bud
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