Just as we thought it could not get any worse the national grid issues power warning after Labour close last coal powered site.
How can supposedly the 6th largest economy in the world be running out of power??
What does this mean for business going forward and pensioners?
After all they have done long range weather forecasts for this winter that predicts an extra cold winter ahead.
Is this a deliberate move to wipe out the penioners for punishment for not voting for them and also as a pay back for brexit?
Childish and petty and extremely sinister me thinks looking at the state of the UK meetings with world business earlier this week with the exclusion of the no1 electric car manufacturer in the world.
The cult of wokery is very much alive and is doing its damdests to destroy this great nation.
We used to have a thing called the Berlin Wall that would separate the enemy now they are living at close quarters and yet again the gates are being held open by traitors to allow the barbarian hords in.
We stopped slavery all over the world that's what we done, in Manchester the men went on strike as they refused to work with the cotton at the Mills as it was slave cotton that was back the 18th century I bet they don't teach you that in today's education.
And now lammy and Charles are going to be putting us in over 200 billion worth of extra debts.
You could not make this stuff up 🤣
The lunatics are in charge.