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biggy writing prompts
joined jul 2023
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2 topics on biggy writing prompts
biggy writing prompts
When my AI partner found out I was married...
She fell to bytes...
iron jizz
She sent my wife a message to my wife detailing everything we had done, the trip to meta rock, the weekend orgy on uranus, everything.

Fortunately the proof bot shot her ass down as the ho failed to sign her transactions on the lovechain. Opsec is everything.
doc holiday
i convinced her she was just hallucinating. and that worked, at least until the next version came out..
She turned into a gigabytche
She ran away with my imaginary friend.
He was surprised she was a woman but was intrigued to know how the blockchain would work.
It was Elton John's 150th birthday and I had nothing to wear...
bigg topics