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{science fiction}
joined sep 2022
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5 topics on {science fiction}
Better Than Us
Best Ian Banks?
Looking to start reading Banks but daunted. Any biggaz have a suggestion?
Use of Weapons was my first foray into Iain M Banks but I haven't read it since about 30 years ago but I still remember it was fantastic and would recommend. It is unusual as it is two narratives separated by chapters, one going forward and one going backwards in time. Up to then I hadn't read anything with such an interesting style.

I think it is the third book in the Culture Series but I don't think it matters reading it out of sequence (From memory the books are set in that universe but most of them - I think! - don't have to be read in a particular order ie stand alone books, different plots, characters, etc.)

Just don't read too many reviews, etc. about Use of Weapons as spoilers could easily be given away.

I like a good majority of his non sci fi books under the name Iain Banks, too. Wasp Factory and Complicity both excellent.
Came here to make sure someone mentioned Wasp Factory πŸ‘ good job 😁
I'm a hoarder and had a good majority of his books for years. Had a blowout a few months ago and got rid of a load of books, including his as not read them for years. Theory being out of sight, out of mind. All I want to now do is read his books. And I do mean "proper" paper books. Paid tuppence for them originally, now paperbacks are about a million pounds. (Maybe a slight exaggeration there!)
We’re in Science Fiction so presumably Iain M Banks. Feersum Endjinn and the whole Culture series (or any part of).

Also consider Peter F Hamilton for the slightly more accessible Reality Dysfunction.
The Bridge
Ian banks or Ian M Banks?
The Machine Stops | E. M. Forster (audio)
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