Not exactly how things went...
from Spaceman55 01 apr 21 18:38
Hello thanks for the speedy delivery I'm just a bit disappointed coz it's a bit damp n fresh an not that peng :/
from Spaceman55 01 apr 21 18:45
Feel fucking disappointed really I'd take them all down everyone else is gonna think the same. Atleast the other vendors packs are legit
to Spaceman55 01 apr 21 19:20
Hi Spaceman55, could you please explain further, what is it that makes you think the packs are not legitimate? Have you not been able to verify them with Cannverify?
from Spaceman55 01 apr 21 19:51
No it's the quality taste and smell
from Spaceman55 01 apr 21 19:52
And how they were put in the pack? And there not affecting me atall? Isit poss to get a refund and I send them back?
from Spaceman55 01 apr 21 19:57
Tbf I'm thinking about asking for a refund. It's alot of money and it's a scam. This isn't what littlebiggy is for bud
to Spaceman55 01 apr 21 20:32
Hi Spaceman55. When you say it's a scam, just to be clear, are you saying that you feel the packs are counterfeit, because we know that isn't the case, we know the importer. The importer's supplier in California where the packs are imported from could perhaps have supplied a counterfeit product, but we think this is unlikely because all the packs that have been sold very with Cannverify in the correct way. We are not responsible for the quality of the contents of the packs, the product is a Jungle Boys product, so we are taken aback to hear that quality is lacking.
The other issue is that we have paid for the packs, at a level that is the going rate for such packs. To provide a refund in full would leave us out of pocket for a product that is legitimately what you ordered. We are trading in good faith, and it's more than belief, we know the packs are real, the only way we'd withdraw them for sale is if we thought they were not. So, we wouldn't be able to provide a refund, and we are disappointed that you are unsatisfied. You are welcome to request a different method of remedy that might be reasonable. We are open to any suggestion.
Very sorry, Spaceman55.
from Spaceman55 01 apr 21 20:46
Well I've asked escrow for a refund ver sorry gentleman dealers but I'm not Paying over £300 of hard era t for that. That's not on. Please don't waste my time, I wouldn't waste yours.
to Spaceman55 01 apr 21 20:48
Understood Spaceman55, we'll await their contact. We are very sorry you were unsatisfied, we certainly didn't mean to waste your time.
from Spaceman55 01 apr 21 20:57
It makes me feel ill and I've been throwing up if that helps try 420s packs their banging
from Spaceman55 01 apr 21 21:51
You can't do that to people it's not right
to Spaceman55 01 apr 21 21:56
Hi Spaceman, you've contacted escrow to ask for a refund, we are awaiting their contact.
to Escrow Suisse 03 Apr 21 18:22 dispute
Hi Escrow Suisse, thank you for getting in contact. We sold Spaceman55 1 x Jungle Boys Triangle Larry 1 and 1 x Jungle Boys Perfect Triangle 13. Spaceman55 advised us that he was not happy with the quality of the product provided, at first questioning the authenticity of the product, but later conceding that the product was genuine, but maintaining that he was not happy with the quality of the product.
The authenticity of the product, both of them, can be verified by the purchaser using the Cannverify verification provided by the manufacturer of the product. In this way the purchaser can be in no doubt that the product is genuine.
Please see the following link for a customer that did verify using the method and posted the confirmation from the Cannverify website.
We have sold both products that Spaceman55 purchased, the same strains/packs, to other customers who were satisfied with them, returning positive reviews.
We advised Spaceman55 that we were not responsible for the content of the packs. The choice to buy was his, and we provided the purchased items in good faith, in good time and securely.
The packs were not damaged in any way, so the contents of the packs were as the manufacturer, Jungle Boys, provided.
We fulfilled the order as was asked of us, supplying the genuine product that was ordered. If Spaceman55 did not like the contents of the pack, that is no fault of ours. For him to purchase the items, then ask to be refunded in full because he does not like the flavour is unfair.
We paid a premium for the items, and sold them at a reasonable mark up.
He advises that he did not consume the products, be we do not feel this is true. We feel that Spaceman55 is taking advantage of recent controversy surrounding our items to receive the products and not have to pay for them.
We did not force Spaceman55 to purchase our items. He advised us after purchasing, and advising that he was unhappy, to remove all such items from sale, but we feel this may be more to do with protecting his preferred seller of the same items, in fact he advised us in a direct message that this seller is his preferred seller.
If Spaceman55 is refunded in full, he will have received 2 premium items at no cost and we would be out of pocket.
We are long standing sellers of good repute, with thousands of sales under our belt. We appeal to yourselves to arrive at a fair determination, and we will abide by your decision,
Thank you most kindly :)
from Spaceman55 05 Apr 21 22:12 Orders dispute
I can't believe you told escrow. That you feel I shouldn't deserve a full refund. And that you paid premium price for the product but hold no responsibility for the contents. The packs are blatantly fake you can tell just by touching them. The product was terrible made me throw up an feel ill. You also said after contacting you on receiving my orders. That you were sorry apologised for the orders and belive I should get a full refund a will contact support to suggest so. (I have conversation records stating this.) So I was very shocked to get a reply from escrow, listing the long winded lies of how, if I get a full refund it would be unjust worthy because I recieved 2x premium products at no cost. And as you "paid a premium" for them you feel that this is incorrect. Why can't you just be honest with escrow like you were with me when I first contacted you?do I really have to send escrow all of our conversations, which show that what you have said to them about believing that I am not entitled to s refund isn't true? It is not my fault that you brought some jb packs from somewhere. Put shit very bad product in them and tried to sell me 2x fake orders, thinking that I wouldn't know better. And you could make a premium. This is not what LB is about. We do not want dishonest vendors and dishonest products on hear thankyou. You can take them and advertise them elsewhere. People work hard for money. Don't take the piss scamming people. It's not fair
to Spaceman55 05 Apr 21 22:31 Orders dispute
Hi Spaceman55. We are none of those things. The packs are genuine and have been verified as such using the method provided by the manufacturer. Furthermore, we are familiar with the supplier/importer, the method of importation, and in this way know the product to be genuine. We do not recall advising you that you should receive a full refund, we expressly stated that a full refund would leave us out of pocket for items we have paid a premium to source. We asked that you consider an alternative method of remedy. Please see our previous communication to you. We are still open to providing a fair remedy, but we are not of the opinion that a full refund is fair.
1/10 Jungle Boys Triangle Larry 1
Very dissapointed product was damp, smelled strange and made me throw up. I offered to return products for a refund. Which the vendor declined. Agreed that I should get a full refund. Then contacted support and said that they paid a premium for the product and are not responsible for the contents of the packs and feel that I shouldn't be entitled to a refund. I feel let down betrayed and worst of all out of pocket with nothing to show. Beware lb community I wouldn't want any one to feel as dissapointed as I am.
rated 1 day ago took 1 day to arrive
1/10 Jungle Boys Perfect Triangle 13
Very dissapointed the product and packs are not genuine. The product was damp and very strange smelling. Made me throw up and feel ill. Spoke to the gentleman dealers for a refund. To which they agreed and told me they were going to contact support so I get a full refund. Only to find out they lied and told support that they are premium products they don't have responsibility for what's in them and that they feel I should get no refund? I feel cheated and lied to. Avoid at all cost lb community. I don't want you to be dissapointed like I am. Deffinatly not cali
rated 1 day ago took 1 day to arrive
to Spaceman55 05 Apr 21 22:48 Orders dispute
So we see the reviews and the statements you make in them. Interesting that you call us liars whilst making statements about our actions, what we said we'd do, that aren't true. A careful reading of our previous communications to you will show this.
Your public reviews are damaging and contain untruths, any previous offer of remedy is withdrawn.
from Spaceman55 05 Apr 21 23:20 Orders dispute
They are not genuine and nor is the product how can you do this to people. I wish I never ordered from yourselves I'm now stuck at a £300 loss and on top of that paid £20 delivery for a fake non genuine product. Don't know what to do to be honest. Hopefully escrow will get back to me with a full refund
from Spaceman55 05 Apr 21 23:23 Orders dispute
I don't care about a remedy offer. If any of your products are like what you sent me I would rather shit in my hands and clap. The reviews are true honest statements and your customer service is just like your products. Shit. Very disappointed. I hope no one buys your products and you dissappear off hear all together.
from Spaceman55 05 Apr 21 23:24 Orders dispute
Would love to meet in person to sort out this injustice. I bet your 4 page essays of fake explanations and bull wouldn't help you then thanks again for wasting my time and hard era t money I wish you badluck and hope you do shit on the selling front.
from Spaceman55 05 Apr 21 23:26 Orders dispute
Hopefully escrow won't believe your bull. And see through the lies if not you've just made a nice buck of a shit fake pack.
from Spaceman55 05 Apr 21 23:36 Orders dispute
To let you know you've pissed me off that much there's even a thread about you your products and your customer service thanks very fucking much you must be desperate for the money I've just orderd 6 packs off 420
to Spaceman55 05 Apr 21 23:36 Orders dispute
Why have you said we told you we'd agree to a full refund? We didn't say that, read our messages to you. We didn't magic the packs of thin air, they came at a cost to us, we applied a reasonable mark up. A full refund, as we told you directly, would leave us with a full loss, and this is what we considered to be unfair. And you still maintain your reviews are truthful. We cannot speak to how you found the product to be, we can only say that we didn't tell you we'd agree to a full refund, we didn't decline the products to be returned - but only because the opportunity to do so was pre-empted by your approach to escrow, and we asked escrow to arrive at a fair decision because we didn't feel a full refund was fair. We would have agreed to a 50% refund before you reviewed in the manner you did. You have no concept of fairness, don't talk about meeting in person, we're not cunts.
Escrow will arrive at the decision they do, but we'll be arguing that the damage done by your reviews, because they contain statements that are untrue, should mean that no refund is provided.
And they're not essays, you just don't know how to talk to people in a reasonable or courteous manner.
We'd welcome you to publish our exchange with you in full.
to Spaceman55 05 Apr 21 23:37 Orders dispute
Yes, 420, well done.
to Spaceman55 05 Apr 21 23:39 Orders dispute
Where's this thread, we'd like to contribute.
from Spaceman55 06 Apr 21 00:28 Orders dispute
Your products fake and so is the packaging
from Spaceman55 06 Apr 21 00:33 Orders dispute
Contribute all you like. If you sell fake cheap products on here you will get found out and no body will buy from you. Should of thought about that before ripping people off