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joined dec 2020
share vongreenback and generate bitcoin with reference codes.
1 topic on vongreenback
7 posts by vongreenback
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Order Status not updating on site
Had to do the same just now, two orders both showing unpaid... + 2 more
on  JamesM83
Order made sent bitcoin but not saying paid yet,ive had confirmation was sent to correct adress but not went through on …
After seven hours the first of my two orders is showing paid on transace but not on little buggy... Should sort itself over night. But would be nice i… + 2 more
HoneyDew is lovely.
Ordered four myself, should make the Christmas lights and Santa with the kids tomorrow plain sailing...
on  cdawg1
Missing review from account
Same here 67% but I always review...
No DGT still this week?
Same boat, hope he's okay.
bigg topics
on {rap}