After browsing for much too long as is easy on here. I hadn't realised that I had logged out. Only once I placed an order did I realise that. Regardless to that the white dawg turned up 3 days later and is an absolute gem. Nice bud, well cured and a high that the doctor definite ordered. Big up urbanleafco. thank you guys very much
That's all gone, Dutch Passion Frisian duck, strangest looking stain I've grown.This lockdown has seen demand go through the roof. The orange diesel I'm growing will be ready soon and is amazing, I'll list that, I think it's going to fly out.
The Fisian has funny Leaves! Like duck feet and is supposed to be stealthy. I grew one out a few years ago and it was 7ft monster. Gut the seed as a freebee as well. So just neglected the hell out of her.