I've been playing on Stadia ( I have a potato PC ) and it was 95% stable since day 1 which is good. It was in a high frame rate setting by default which looked ugly AF but once found the setting and changed to quality over performance and it looks fantastic. I'd say it's a good game, but I don't think I'd call it a great game. It's very shallow, the open world is a lot more basic than even skyrim and not a patch on RDR2. The story is also not yours, its Jonny Silverhands which is a bit crap for a supposed RPG. Youngrippa did a good video about expected (or promised?) features and how almost all of them don't exist in the released version. People talk about the bugs sure but it has many more flaws than that. The linear story is fine, albeit about someone else. But you have to ask what the fuck they were doing for 6 years when they couldn't even get some basic systems functioning properly in that time. And I think Youngrippas other observation is correct - once they paid for Keanu the game took a different direction, the earlier iteration was honestly probably the better game. It's definitely worth a play, cruising around the city with jazz on radio and smoking a J is a sci-fi wonder. But the shallowness of the mechanics and open world definitely let it down. In time I hope they flesh it out more like what was spoken of in their 45 min gameplay videos from a while back, cos it just isn't that game right now. I'm near the end of my playthrough, starting to struggle to bring myself to bother and absolutely no incentive to go back and just dip in and "enjoy" the open world cos frankly its dead. So you play for the story and once you've played the story I don't know why you'd replay it, the life paths only open up 1 or 2 different dialogue options. If you want to see a nicely rendered cyberpunk/sci fi city and a fairly engaging story then you'll be satisfied. If you're looking for a deep open world experience with a good amount of replayability then I would say "watch out". 6.5 out of 10. But definitely a potential for higher score in the future - again - I'm not even factoring in any bugs - just what the game "is". And what it isn't...it's not one of my favourites, sadly. But it is in no way a bad game.
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joined feb 2019
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1 post by Batmothlives

Thoughts on Cyberpunk 2077?
this comment is 100% spot on,i cant believe how little choice/interaction there is in the game,also the AI is terrible overall.im not saying no enjoym…
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