This stuff deserves a topic of it's own anyway but I just wanted to post this to thank Real D for his continued and unmatched generosity! don't get me wrong, there are many generous vendors on here and i often sing their praises!
but Real D, i've actually lost count of how many times i've received more than double of what i ordered and he never expects anything from me, guy is a fucking diamond imo! amount of times i've been so skint i can only afford 1G of hash, and then 2g will show up! of course not every single time but it's more often than not!
there's many reasons why this means so much to me, but one particular example would be this - a well known vendor who i used to use all the time last year spent thousands with, one week i was only £2 short of my usual order and i asked that vendor if they could maybe do me a custom order and i was told "nope, my prices are my prices" which stung like fuck after i'd spent so much money with that vendor and endless topics praising him and promoting his business and they weren't prepared to help me out over £2! well it's the complete opposite with Real D, right from my first order i was met with a heftily overweight order including samples of his other wares, from then on i knew the guy was one of the good ones!
now onto the hash, wasn't able to quite afford the promo on this one but i had to treat myself to a gram of this fucking divine stuff as i've tried it before (received a 1g pot for free on a previous order), and what do you know, i receive 2.5 grams, 1.2 of the High Octane and 1.3 of the Sour Diesel, both of which have beautiful, natural, pungent terps exuding from them like you've just stuck your nose in a freshly opened cali pack! and the taste is just like the smell it's mouthwatering stuff, if i won the lottery i wouldn't need to go to cali, i would just buy Real D's entire stock of import hash lol
after opening the pack and seeing 2 pots in there instead of 1 i legit just sat there shaking my head in disbelief at not only how lucky i am to have more than 2 grams of this stuff, but the generosity in itself just really gobsmacked me tbh!
Thank you so fucking much dude, you probably wont have time to read all this but yeah, you're a legend!