Contacted Justweed earlier in the week about a tester of their shake. There were no conditions attached to the transaction and this is an honest review of the whole experience.
I'm a big fan of shake, mainly because it's a decent way of pre-loading before you hit the good stuff, so any new vendors on LB selling it immediately pique my interest.
Firstly, Justweed's communication has been excellent throughout - even giving me a lowdown on existing and upcoming products, and explanations of the level of stealth taken to protect the customer, etc. Exchanges were cordial and provided all the information I needed.
As for the product, it's way better than its price would suggest. It's mainly composed of crushed bud and popcorn nugs with little in the way of stems or leaf material. There's a decent cheesy funk coming off this stuff too, so it's far from the bland, stale shake you might get off some street corner scally.
Also, the generosity of the sample - wow! - I won't say how much was gifted, but you can tell this is an outfit that is dedicated to impressing customers and providing excellent service.
As for the potency, I'd say it's well ahead of some of the bud offerings on here. The effects are uplifting initially, then settle into a nice warm body-blanket-type stone.
So on this showing it seems like Justweed are a high-quality outfit who know what they're doing. Definitely bookmarked for when I next re-stock.
Buy with confidence.