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by  JPJP
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by  JPJP
Microdosing shrooms for Adhd
I'm embarking on microdosing and am really interested to hear anyone else's journey with mushrooms and neurodiversity...
Looking for advice on daily quantities? 0.2mg seems to be the ideal.
Also, varieties. Any advice on the best strains for focus??
Thanks all :)
Hello JPJP, :)

I am ADHD AF, on the autism spectrum, and I also have terrible social anxiety.
The best thing I've EVER found to help with focus, and, well just everything really, are the psychonauts laser focus or leisure time drops. The latter being a bit stronger if you want that little bit extra. Three drops turns me into a 'bring it ON, biiaatch!', productivity machine'. Also I can actually enjoy social things now. It's honestly the best. Pisses all over my actual, nasty, prescribed speed ADHD, meds. No side effects that I've noticed.

I have experimented a bit with microdosing mushrooms, and prefer the LSD, but I really didn't give it a fighting chance because once I tried the drops that was it. But I also found the lsd to be more 'solid', don't really know how to articulate that.. just easier to get into that groove and stay there. Plus it lasts ages and ages. Easily ten hours and often twelve.

Also you get, I think..53 or 55 drops in a bottle, and if you take them as a proper trip - my dose is 11-12 drops- it is mother fudgin luuuurrrvely...

That said I've tried to order today and it said sold out :/ I know they had some issues a while back but came back, so hopefully it's just a temporary thaaang.

If you give them a try I hope they bring you as much relief and pleasure as they have for me. Really made my life a lot better. Best of luck °•○♡•°•💥💥👾

* like I said - I really didn't give microdosing mushrooms much of a chance, and loads of people have really great results with them, so hopefully a few will chime in :)
Hello Fifijane :)
Thanks so much for your wealth of knowledge from someone on my drift!
So glad to hear you found something that works and has sorted out your shit 👌
Right, these drops sound life changing.
Hope they restock soon for you 🙏
Had read that lsd was much more effective than mushrooms but I always sway towards the natural.. hence my advance in that direction.
Love experimentation so will give everything a whirl 😃

Thanks for the fabulous input 🙌
You are most welcome JPJP 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂, but I really don't have a wealth of knowledge, haha. I have no patience for trial and error. Try something- like it- stick with, and vice versa, haha.

You say you sway toward the natural- I think you'll find if you haven't already checked out psychonauts, they're real, ' salt of the earth', type peeps, and are all about very wholesome stuff.

I really hope you find something that helps. I know the struggle is real, my man. Sending love and bestest vibes °•♡•°🌷🌷🌷🌷💥👾
I understand what you mean about Lucy being more solid.
I think its more reliable as you know the exact dose whereas with shrooms I don’t think you can ensure the same consistency with every batch
Btw I messaged Psychonauts- they should be back by Monday (they’re doing a restock)
Thank f💥🦆k for that! Won't be in time for the bank holiday sunday trip i had planned, but sooo good to know it's just a restock. Thank you :) , and yes you've articulated it better than I did :) 🌟
Hey man, have you got a link to Psychonauts, please? Can’t seem to find them!
Here you go my friend
Thank you 🙏
Struggling to see any items even though I'm logged in through a TOR browser??
They’ve not finished their restock. Should be up in next couple of days
Even dashing to the corner shop for some food is beyond me some days.
Seeing life go on without you in it is about the most hopelessly lonely feeling ever.

I’d rather live in prison.

I should really start micro dosing.
Try the drops Lee5. If they helped me they can help anyone. Don't rob the world of a you! 🤗 All the love, angel 🩷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌟
Hope is something I am greatly lacking in.
LSD microdosing worked better for me than shrooms (not saying it would for everyone). Both helped with aspects of my ADHD that the meds didn't. Here's how:

Get a pipette bottle EG H&B CBD and wash it out.

Put one or two acid tabs in. Add a drop of vodka (or non-alcoholic spirit) for every 10ug in each tab.

Leave 24 hours and you have a little bottle of 10ug microdoses (approx).

Store in dark place. Resist temptation to add funky sticker to bottle, although something to mark it out probably a good idea.

Medical trials for ADHD are doing 20ug then three days off. I liked that at first then dropped the dose to 10ug. I have it on the one day i week I take off from the meds.
I can't say specifically about ADHD, but I've been Stamet's Stack microdosing with shrooms for most of this year, and was using a different regime previously. 0.2g of shrooms seems perfect for me, where I feel less concerned by stressful external stimuli versus not being on it. It's definitely helping me generally with anxiety and depression, but I'm not sure how I'd quantify that. Get some huge rushes of almost overwhelming emotion at times, even when not on it. Very interesting. I probably cry more, but it's cathartic. Think I need to restock as I'm down to 12 capsules.
This is interesting thanks MightyRux. Anxiety definitely something I need help with.
I've just read up Stamets stack, thanks 👍
It's something I want to continue doing, but I've never flushed on the 0.1 of Niacin. Not sure how important that is in the process? I found 4 days on and 3 days off helpful sometimes, but also 2 days on, 1 off, 2 on, a couple off. You'll work out what works for you. Ask on here if you need advice for fine tuning or whatnot.

What I really need to work out is how to also trip and how to best work it into a microdosing regime.
It’s shit when think about how we part with our sweat equity just to feel somewhat nice or just ok.

After 30 years it gets really really boring.
Thanks for the time you took.
I hope you find what you need, dude. Explain to the community what is it is you hope to achieve (or, keep that to yourself, and tell the mycoverse what it is you hope to achieve at the time: Set and Setting). If you're not helped by someone here I'd be amazed.
Very Kind,thank you.
by  JPJP
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