It’s almost hoppy. Like hoppy citrus, decent New England IPA mango to it. Unique. Has a lovely buzz to it too.
LCG fans won’t like it. It’s hoppy gas. Not candy gas. Z fans might be interested. It’s not like Z at all though. It’s more like a top quality beer. Sophisticated flavours going on.
Well lah dee dah. Who’s this pretentioid?
Yeah fuck you. I like weed to taste of something. Be interesting. Do something different. Like beer. We can all enjoy a good old lager. But those who know, know that a good, hoppy, sludgy 8%er is what you really want. Made by some ex-punk in his basement. Shit like Monkish.
Seriously. Look up Monkish. Try and buy a can. I dare you. This is why all Cali packs we get here are shite. Simples.
Buy the UK cuts of the stuff you want from Cali. That’s my advice. There are some serious growers here. In possession of some very oldschool cuts.
If they get lost. We only have ourselves to blame.
Fuck Cali. Shop local.
That’s the market of 2025. UK grown either hunted. Or raw cuts. That’s what our top vendors on here should be looking for.
Donloco. THC23. They have brought the fire. For those of us who are interested in such things.
UK fire. And I want more of it. I could care less about imported weed. We should be all about the UK grown. Because we bring fire. And legalisation might happen faster than you may think. So be ready. Those who know. Are ready.
Biggy has an opportunity. In 2025. To show how the legal market might work.
Has worked.
All these cunts? Trying to destroy it?
Biggy is the UK legal model. We’ve been doing this shit for years. No hassle. No-one died.
Planting seeds for those who genuinely care.
Because I care.
That’s how I come at weed. I’m 54. Been smoking weed since I was 14. Yep. 40 years. I’ve seen all drugs over those years too. I was at Castle Norton.
I remember 1991 in Amsterdam. With the Super Skunk.
That shit changed everything. Music. The rave scene. Everything.
The minute SuperSkunk happened. That was the minute Jungle happened.
Ask your dad. I’m not wrong tho.
There is nothing you can tell me. Nothing. Outside of how to grow it.
It’s all hops. Cannabis/hops. Related. Same Terpines. You get the same shit from hop terpines you get from canna terpines.
And Hops and Cannabis, and weirdly, nettles. Are all related.
Just sayin’ - (and yeah yeah. Roll your eyes - heaven forbid a mild hippy gets involved - yeah look up what happened to Humboldt county after legalisation - it wasn’t good.) and the day they start crossing Citra with OG Kush. Because it HAS to be possible. Then splicing some good old English nettle with that.
Too soon… too soon..
For me. It’s the Diesel over the BCG. But that’s still well nice.
I can’t smoke it all fast enough. SOTL should do 1g sample packs I reckon.
Logistical nightmare. But they do have some very interesting flavours and to be honest, after 30 years of smoking weed. That’s what I’m after.
You whippersnappers can just keep on a-snappin’. But you don’t know your hash from your elbow, most of you. So stop being such smartarses.
I was chasing the dragon with grass oil in 1993. It’s not fucking new. You jumped up pricks.
You either want shite. Or you listen to the old-guard vendors on here. They might just know their fucking shit.
Jesus. I actually had to spell it out for these morons. It’s like I’ve divulged the secret of Little Biggy.
I’m in real trouble now.
I’ll probably end up doxxed now. Because I inadvertently hit a nerve. Again. By mistake.
Sorry this was so long. But it’s not a Dopeyrant. Not one person’s sensibilities got offended. Apart from the c**ts. And we all. Literally most of us. Know who they are.
Yeah fuck off. I know I’m a c**t. Before you get going.