It’s the price of doing business in an illegal market.
It’s the tax applied for me to not have to go to Amsterdam. Spend £350.
It’s a bizarre stoner reality. I’m fully aware of that.
But just today. I had some lovely Diesel. Not had Diesel like that in a good 10 years. Then. Some very nice Cookies. 🤷♂️
Did I pay over the odds for it? Yep. Probably. Did I get value for money?
100% yes I did.
I don’t get this value / quality thing. There is shit weed. OK weed. Nice weed. Very nice weed.
There is no Supreme, manufactured scarcity, even better weed than the very nice weed. So what happens. Is that now general commercial genetics are by default. OK, or nice weed. Then now. The 10-20 years ago very nice weed is now, for some reason shit to OK weed.
It makes no sense. It’s all the same shit. That extra 5% THC means nothing if it’s been badly grown.
All the best weed I’ve ever had looked terrible, and was 16-20%THC max.
You could smell it in the next town over. Ridiculous.
It’s lovely to look to California/Barcelona/
Amsterdam/Thailand etc.
If only. If fucking only. But no. Nope. As long as the War on Drugs generation exist in this country.
Nope. Not gonna change. Normalizing it is valid. And noble.
The British. Will deny small, epileptic children, who are suffering. Simple. Proven medicine.
We. The British. Would criminalise a mother. For trying to help her son.
But that ain’t us, here. Even using this site. The Royal Mail. Manipulating the system, is a beautiful act of defiance.
It’s lovely to think that the royal family, by association, are facilitating filthy stoners throughout our land. People will look back on this time. This place.
I’d say anyone who uses this place, works out how to use it, how to negotiate Bitcoin. Do the right kind of research, is a bit of revolutionary.
Will they talk about the days of LittleBiggy in the same kind of dewey-eyed way they talk about things like In-Ter-Dance at Sterns, or Spike Island?
I’d like to hope so.
So yeah. Sometimes you pay a bit more than other times. There is so much available here. That it’s not too hard to make it work.
You can get it elsewhere. A lot fuckin’ cheaper. If you can work out how this site works. Then you will have the skills for the darkweb.
Meh fuck that. I just want something a lot simpler
I think having this website available to us in the UK. Is not something to take for granted or become entitled about.
Sometimes. In our completely illegal environment. Shit costs more. Than at other times. In our completely illegal environment. 😂
Suck it up. Or don’t. And find somewhere else. Or just fuckin’ hoarde weed. Always have an ounce of RealD’s Skittlez shake dotted around the place.
“Accidentally” plant any seeds you come across. About now.
When the mrs notices….
“Aaah that would have been my mate John. He was smoking some weed, must have dropped the seeds”
Nope. Totally me. I planted them. Badly.
In 2 months I’m fucked. They’ll be 6 foot. I’ll have accidentally hit on the fucking uber-pheno. Spray the fucker with weedkiller. Nope. Some bloke in Humboldt, 20 years ago made it immune to all Federal weedkillers.
Questions will get asked. Hopefully.
I don’t know. I’m high as fuck on GreenTeam’s Diesel.
So good. That stuff.
I’m like the slightly less demented Dopey aren’t I?
I’ll get me coat