Hello Mercedes!
Or should I say:
and now GreenWolfUK... You make accounts on here in attempts to lead people off onto your Tele channel by putting business cards with QR codes on them leading to your group, the "Terpy Secret Club". Taking people outside of escrow is not the biggy way, it is plainly obvious you use this sites quick results in order to grow your 3rd party platform, where people are not protected by escrow (big no no if you care about the safety of your funds!)
Here's how to spot this guy. His posts when joining on a new vendor account will always be like this.
"Just a heads up so people do not feel defeated upon arrival
Any questions please PM me
Our Deal is still on, So far we have had 5 Sales
We need a handful more
1. No punctuation.
2. Makes a new line for each sentence.
3. Account names tend to follow the same theme e.g. VapeCity, DankSumo, PrivatePete like hes using one of them Username generators.
4. Similar style products on each account. He's selling the Jack Herer as Green Crack Budget Bud on his other account, this one is to farm reviews, once it has enough he will move his stock onto here and stop using the old one.
A previous post from this vendors other aliases:
https://littlebiggy.com/link/2Ucgbb - This should give you an idea of the type of person we are dealing with here, lol.