Hi all, Im about to make my first purchase from LB , ive used Dark web previously.. I need a vendor that sends by Special delivery AND makes sure the bud isn't comressed but even more importantly that there is NO smell!! I work for RM... The special delivery parcels are dealt with totally seperatley from the rest of the parcels , whereas the rest [1st class, 2nd class, recorded,tracked etc] are all sorted together. In my office only 1 person touches the Special deliveries and passes them to the relevant postie to deliver... Special deliveries will ALWAYS be delivered the next day , just not guaranteeed before 1pm atm, It is very, very, very rare for one to go missing too!........ My point about proper packaging is vital, parcels get thrown about alot when they are being sorted, there has been many occasions when the smell has leaked from a small parcel and is so obvious and this leads to the manager [or postie] confiscating it........ This stuff needs to be properly wrapped up! I know im stating the obvious but if you want an insiders opinion..... Always use Special delivery if poss and always ensure the vendor is tight on the smell!.... Apologies for the writing my return button is fooked lol Any questions, im happy to answer, Can anyone recomend a vendor for top shelf bud that also offer non compressed, well packaged etc, thanks people..