Compared where it was 30/ 40 years ago I think it is progressing very well. Especialy what is happening on the West coast USA, it provided so much new products and inovations. Yes, we will get boring tasteless big weed. Compare it to the USA beer market. There main beers brands like Bud light I would describe as pure piss, but their micro breweries are top notch and come close to the Belgium beers. To have all these different kind of concetrates and extracts have made me realize how special just smoking the flower or even better vaping it is. Keep going going back to that as my favorite way to consume: The flower it self. I wouldn't go as far to say that THC got nothing to do with the quality of the weed . That would be like saying that alcohol free wine is just as good as with alcohol. I think the whole THC myth is also enhanced by governments restricting or warning for high potency THC levels. So if THC is not it, what should you go on if I should just judge on the what is in the label and no budtender around to advice me? The strain, grower, brand, generation?
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joined jan 2020
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1 post by BigDogDaddy

The Cannabis market
I hate to say it, because I want weed legalized literally across the world. But I think the legalization push and the "tax it" mindset that …
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