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2 topics on chopsuey
by  chopsuey
Irish customs.
Just checking with customers from Eire. I paid the customs charge a week ago but my order hasn't moved since then. I'm thinking now it's been nabbed by customs. I haven't contacted An Post. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this before?
I've heard people mention that customs can take a while in sending things on after fees are paid. I've found that the longer you take in paying the charge, the longer it will take in being sent. It might be just slowness on their part but i dont really know. Edit- Just saw this:

" New ferry sailings to mitigate the impact of the Holyhead disruption have delivered large volumes of international parcels into An Post and we are planning for heavy parcel deliveries tomorrow (Saturday) and next week. "

Seems like they might be overrun with packages now streaming through after the holyhead issue. Waiting on a package myself, should have been received by an post mon / tue so looks like there might be delays at the mo.
Thanks for that. Mine is coming from the US but as you say there could be a big backlog. Fingers crossed it comes through.
Generally, 3 to 5 days after they arrive in Dublin, you want to be seeing a physical scan on anpost’s website. “We have your item in Dublin” this is the only scan that means it cleared customs and customs charges etc are irrelevant. Even If you don’t pay customs charge it will still scan we have your item in Dublin once it clears customs officially, It just might not be delivered until you pay. Would recommend paying as soon as you get them as you did.

If 7 days pass without the physical an post scan, we consider them goneski and are happily surprised on the off chance they turn up

That being said I have seen them scan into Dublin mail centre(“clear customs”) 35 days after customs charges were paid / after it got to Dublin. Never lose faith just put your tracking on an app that gives you automatic notifications, like after ship , so you don’t wreck the head checking 24/7
This is just for parcels coming from usa^ through USPS.
I think it was around 30ish days where someone had something 'stuck' in customs, sent by the legend that is Hashishin. Opened it. Didn't find the temple ball. Sent it on. No customs charge with that one either, fortunately.
I was waiting an extra few days waiting on mine coming from the UK. Left the UK and didn't get scanned in Ireland for 3 or 4 days. Usually when it leaves the UK it gets to Ireland next day. I think it could be a back log. You just have to wait it out, especially when it's coming from USA.
by  chopsuey
Customs (Ireland) and Parcel Motel.
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