I choose the Druid’s rosin due to the very small supply chain – i.e. they (a collective I think) grow and prepare all themselves, so I knew it would be clean and good enough to eat.
Well this was my first time with rosin, and DM had sent me a message to tell me to keep the temperature cool when handling, but of course this takes a bit of getting used to. I think in future I will put the rosin and the knife I use to cut it in the fridge. On this occasion I did find the stickiness a bit of a challenge.
So I cut the rosin in half, as I wanted to try half in edibles. I popped it on some greaseproof paper and popped it in the (fan) oven @ 110°C for 35 mins to decarboxylate. In the meantime I put together a dough to make biscuits\cookies, and put some butter into a pyrex bowl, and the bowl in a pan with some water.
After the decarb process I took the rosin out, and of course it had thinned out. I could see some bubbles in the rosin, which I believe happens during the decarb process. It was too sticky and runny to handle, so I popped it into the fridge for a few mins for it to solidify.
I heated the water so I had a gentleish heat in the pryrex bowl, and melted the butter, and then slid the rosin into the butter, it ‘dissolved’ very easily (I suppose technically I had made an emulsion). I then added to butter to the cookie dough, and cooked them as normal.
So how did it work out? Well it worked, but I’m not sure it was optimal. I had a very heavy body stone – but it was mostly ‘bass’ – very little middle and treble so to speak – I wonder if I should have decarbed for longer or at a higher temp?
Anyway I’m interested if I can improve the process as I do like edibles – seems more healthy. Any ideas?