I’ve never left a review but felt the need to with this strain.
I’ll start off by saying if you’re looking to stop putting tabacco in your spliffs but the coughing puts you off, then get this strain, it’s mild on the lungs but gassy as you like.
So the high hits you in the head to begin with, and it’s so giggly. We started having deep but hilarious conversations about the soul, consciousness, aliens…even both tripped off over energy while watching the fire. Seen that fire generates heat by burning the energy of the wood and that the wood has stored the energy of the sun so really…the heat from a fire is the heat of the sun, kinda shit you know.
Then the body high kicks in. It’s a kind of relaxing, tingly sensation. We went to bed and had the most spiritually satisfying sex I’ve ever had in my life. It lasted hours but was interceded by a lot of cuddling, stroking, chatting shit and smoking more Grease Monkey.
My SO is just getting used to smoking straight spliffs so will occasionally whitey. There’s no limit with this strain. There’s zero paranoia, you’re super relaxed but you can still do daily things (we took the dog for a long walk after a wake and bake) but I wouldn’t recommend as a day time strain if your tolerance isn’t up to it.
I use weed to treat C-PTSD, I’ve woke up every day with fear since i lived in Düsseldorf which was in 1987, it’s been a daily thing all my life…now, it must be the 50% indica because yesterday morning and this morning I woke up calm and relaxed…I could get used to this strain. Will definitely be ordering more and will be trying the other strains.
There was a slight complication in sending the parcel out but GH is really approachable and was on hand to answer my questions and was up for a random chat. They’re good people.
If you want to have pure laughs and great experiences then try this strain…it will be nice to make sure I’m not just some hippy.