A lot of slightly squeaky bottoms out there I guess.
I respect that. They have no respect for borders. Cheeky cheap henry. Fair play.
I’ve taken way more pricy punts before, and got the weed no problems. Never smoked any of it. It was shit. Straight in the bin. Might as well as never turned up.
Don’t gamble what you can’t afford to lose, I guess. And I was tempted.
If this does prove legit. And all pans out.
Well. Then I guess we’ll see. Because there has been some very lovely imported Thai on here for a while, and it’s patronising to assume that Thai growers are anything less than world-class. Most of the stuff we love today probably has some landrace Thai in there, way, way back.
Some bag seed, from a red Thai stick. That your mate grew, in a pot. It was good. But seedy. Someone had some of that weed. Lots of seeds. He planted a few
This guy knew a bit more about growing, so he killed the males. Was left with this sensi Thai. And one of his mates had this mad as fuck Afghani hash plant. Somehow they fucked up and the male Thai pollinated the female Afghani.
And in beautiful stoner botany synchronicity. Here we now are.
And so on and so forth. For literally a thousand years in Thailand, farmers have been doing exactly that. 😂
The good shit kinda floats to the top. Over time.
An over-simplification. Of course.
Looks like someone is thinking they can cut out the middle-man. Those vendors prices will probably need to come down a touch. If these are actually the prices Thai weed is coming in at right now. Because it’s very, very legal out there and people have grown a fuck-ton of it. Then Thailand will potentially short the weed market 🤣
There is now this ridiculous weed mountain. Everyone has gone mental. Literally flooded the market.
No one to sell it to. Too much stock.
But you are just a person who likes to smoke weed, get it easily, with consistency. Like you would if it were legal. From a shop. You know. Like it was a normal, everyday thing.
Not an importer of weed across international borders. Which is not, such a normal, everyday thing.
I’ll still go to the middle-man guy. 🤷♂️ might cost more. But the risks to me are way less. Plus fuck these assholes for trying to undercut the good vendors on here who literally grind.
I’m happy to pay for peace of mind, and will continue to do so.
I don’t know what I’m fucking talking about. I’m bollocksed on Spacemen Coffee Cake.
Hold on tight to the cannabis race to the bottom. It’s gonna be a wild ride 😂🤣