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joined jul 2020
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0 topics on Megaman64
7 posts by Megaman64
Sites like this will never work with vendors like Hans
This isn't Amazon. And in this instance, yes you are wrong. You pay in bitcoin but the currency this site works to is USD. And you got refunded in USD… + 2 more
Super Hans is no scammer
Fair play for apologising, respect. Wishing death and cancer in people for the sake of Β£25 was unreal. I'm hoping you get a karma lesson by the same d…
Why are people defending Hans when he’s clearly in the wrong
You keep neglecting the most expensive asset which was the weed he posted to you. At this point he's more out of pocket than you are. + 3 more
It's Monday 14th December and Mr Postie has been and gone and still waiting on my pack posted on Monday 7th. Pretty annoying but aware the Royal Mail …
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