Hi all.
Reporting on mine and my friend’s journey from last week.
So, we started the day by eating a light breakfast, consisting of nuts and fruit. At 11 we took 4 drops each and headed for a shop to stock up on supplies. We then headed to Mote Park (Maidstone) and set up in a remote location.
It was at about 11:30 when we began feel it, the trees looked old and music sounded like I’d never heard it before, euphoria an understatement at this point. Gail Platt vs predator lit the trio with laughter and we were soon laid looking up at the sky watery eyed and ecstatic.
I wanted more, I needed more, one friend agreed but wanted an ice cream first, so we headed for an ice cream bar, it was packed and joining the queue seemed like a dangerous task, so we went on our merry way back home on a quest to retrieve the bottle, this unfortunately would be the start of a nightmare.
We walked to a shop for more beers and ice cream. The shop was a struggle as I couldn’t stop laughing at everyone and everything, although I was completely out of control I was full in control as I approached the merchant, “onions” my friend whispered into my ear as I went to pay, in complete control but dying with laughter within, I paid the merchant and left.
The next 30 minutes felt like a week trekking through a man made jungle, instead of trees, it was lampposts and buildings, instead of wildlife it was cars, busses and bikes, instead of tribal warriors, it was petty thugs and people trying to get through their day. We began to struggle, I kept my love in mind, she talked to me and spurred me on to complete my journey. She told me that, you will keep questioning if your dose was enough and that you need to do more, so you must continue.
One friend took a turn for the worst, I told him that he didn’t have to do anything he didn’t want to, he stopped outside a chemist and the other friend comforted him as I pushed on to complete our mission.
So I carried on in a semi familiar territory, losing my mind and my way as I went, my love spoke to me and told me to locate my car using maps on my phone. I did, and I was a 1 minute walk away, I located my car and then found my way back to my friends house, praying his love wasn’t there. She wasn’t, so I headed for the fridge and retrieved the liquid.
I found the other two sitting loyally as I breathed a sigh of relief, I felt at home just looking at them. I informed them that I had it and we pressed on back to the park, regaining a positive high as we went. The laughs slowly crept back, everything started to look and sound beautiful again and we were at the park before we knew it which housed our safe place.
The two friends stopped to piss and I moved on to secure our space before it was occupied by dog walkers or picnic users. I set up and vaped some weed eagerly awaiting their return. I saw them in the distance coming and I erupted with laughter and joy.
Tins cracking open, music and laughter filled the atmosphere, we opened the bottle and I dropped 3 more tears of the liquid under my tongue, I passed the bottle to my friend and he took 2 more drops and the third friend took 1.
I can’t really speak for the other two at this point but I found myself engulfed by a tree, within it I found myself gazing deeply at my hand. “YOU’VE GOT A LOT TO ANSWER FOR” I shouted at it as it gazed at me smugly.
The eagle or god as I felt, cut through the sky and danced a little jig at me, happy with the way I dealt with my limb (or so he said), he then winked and celebrated my victory by dancing and showing me one or two fantastic things that I couldn’t comprehend but it was beautiful.
We set tracks to a pub and we drank in silence, it was my turn to be unnerved. Jimmy Saville was sat drinking and smoking about a pissing distance away. We left.
By now we’re around 9 hours into our journey and we sat at a small tavern and drank, quietly. I went out and smoked a blunt looking lovingly at my 2 dearest companions share their experiences and visions.
We went home and got into bed, a few twitches and subtle screams later and our journey was complete.
A week on and I feel great! Like a new man!
Would I do it again? Absolutely, we made mistakes and we discussed them. Make sure you have everything you need and never leave your safe space.
I’m no writer as you can tell so forgive me.
10/10 vendor.
10/10 product.
10/10 experience.