What an absolute load of nonsense.
"back then was grown in hydroponics (this grow method uses PGR)"
Back then? Hydroponics is still one of the most advanced types of growing, under neo grow techniques such as Aeroponics etc, but it's hardly a 90s phenomenon like Brain Adams ffs!! And NO, Hydroponics simply means water based, or without soil, more specifically 'hydro' meaning water and 'ponos' meaning labour.
H20 (or water) is pretty organic last time I checked.
"I'm not a doctor or anything"
Well, thank God for that.
"...but I beleive it's safe to say that PGR weed is just as safe as organic weed."
You have no real understanding or what either 'PGR' or 'Organic' in relation to cannabis cultivation actually means. There are many nutrients that could be classed as plant growth regulators, some natural, like PK 13/14 (phosphorous and potassium) or you might even say that seaweed and molasses "regulate" a plants growth and hence could be a "natural" PGR.
This is entirely different to synthetic chemicals, such as paclobutrazol and damizonode which are banned in the production of cannabis in California, and used heavily in the production of cannabis in South East Asia, in particular paclobutrazol, a carcinogen which produces very dense buds with little or no sugar leaves.
"My apologies I only grew on large scale for a decade so I have limited knowledge"
If that's the case I'd apologise to anyone who paid for your weed...
Never read such a load of jibberish than your posts on this thread. Stop pretending to be something you're not, because eventually you'll get called out by people who actually know what they are talking about.