Well were do you start with such as creation as this from what I can gather after talking with LD this is one of his own creations 👋 absolutely gorgeous smell of dank ripe fruity with gas gas it reeks I’ve had to put it in a jar in a jar 🫙 as it is very penetrating like cheese 😫 not good if you live with others around you 😭 like I do 🤬 just wish people would keep their opinions to them self’s, so upon sparking up im greeted with a beautiful dank weed smell the wind at the time was blowing straight across 😆 I’m safe for now upon my second draw 💨💨💨 I’m getting skittles on the inhale with tropical fruit absolutely sublime tasting on the exhale 💨💨 Mac all the way the Mac is of the highest quality Mac at that and it absolutely stinks 😷 as I really didn’t notice the wind change and then it started. “Pwar what’s that fuckin smell.” Some one shouted and then I got “someone’s smoking drugs “ fuckin square’s 🤣🤣 so I waited a while and carried on (mistake) 💨💨 then someone starts can you smell that,yea were is coming from 😳🤬 for fuck sake leave me alone 🤣 and on on it went with me sat there waiting for them to go to bed 🖕well I managed to finish my smoke and it’s so nice it’s going to get caught so be careful biggers if you’re smoking this outside as I’ve found out so I’ve locked it away until till I get my new rhino filter and I will smoke inside 👍 ld you are a master at what you do and produces wonderful weed although a bit to smelly never thought I would say that ever but here we are and I’ve had buy a vape as you don’t sell them from the gentlemen so I can have a smoke after all the commotions it caused as some sad fucker rang the filth 🐷 and they were out on the hunt so ld stay safe buddy and you biggers I couldn’t recommend this enough it’s sublime but smelly sorry for the late review I’ve been busy hiding 🙈 best of luck everyone happy toking 👍