Ordered some moroc gold a couple of weeks back. Was lovely. Ordered another oz and I've been sent some oily stuff that isn't doing anything for me and is a bastard to skin up. Tastes like nothing and isn't hitting the spot at all
This has happened a couple of times lately but it's always been good when sent a different kind so never complained. But this is... Well, it's not good chaps...got an oz of this now which I can't see myself smoking.
Anyone else had this?
Edit - just tried another J and this is deffo not up to BB's usual standards. Hoping someone made a mistake during packing. I've no idea what this stuff is. My brother is flat out refusing to smoke it as it's kicking out black smoke when you hold it up to a light.
Edit 2 - this is deffo a bad batch. Can't even smell this stuff without feeling sick now. As its drying, we are getting a melted plastic smell in the air. Rolling it around in your hand leaves like a wax on your hand which has a strange chemical smell..... Not had this with any kind of hash before.
I can't have been the only one who has been sent this.
Deffo not gonna be smoking anymore and won't be ordering anymore until this batch is gone or decommissioned in case I end up with it again. Can't imagine anyone would want to smoke this.