Hi Peppermint,

Thanks for the message and we certainly would not take what you've said as criticism, we wholeheartedly appreciate the advice!

Without going into too much detail, we can offer a same day delivery service but this depends on time ordered and your location also. Message us for more details if you're interested.

From now on we will include our logo so you guys know that it's ours and not being subbed out. Everything we sell is ours right from the cutting all the way to your door.

We have been a little surprised at how well our product has sold, we anticipated a few sales here and there to compliment our other business but nothing like this. So there may be a slight break in availability of cheese until we reorganise how we do things and focus mainly on LB.

Thanks again for the advice and we are glad to have found such a great community on here.

Have a great weekend.